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Jace's POV
×The following day×

He decided that his best alternative would be going straight to Ishawn's house, since he had no clue about the location his family was being held at.

He stood outside on the porch and stared stared straight at the camera that seemed to study him vividly.

“Ishawn!” he shouted and the door opened, revealing a medium sized me dressed in black and white.

“Yes,how might I help you?” a man asked dragging on his words in a British accent.

“Is Ishawn here?”

“Yes he is.” he replied opening the door wider and Jace walked in.

“Master James, a young man is here to see you.”

“I'll be right down.” Ishawn replied through the buzzer, before the butler led him to the den, where he was served lemonade, and drank while he waited on Ishawn.

“Jace, fancy seeing you here.” Imany said walking down the last steps of the spiral staircase, then sitting on Jace's lap.

“Hey Imany.” he said annoyed, moving uncomfortably under her.

“Imany clear out.” Ishawn said walking in and sitting in the couch opposite Jace.

“Aww... But daddy -” she started pleading but after seeing her father's stare she got off of Jace and walked out quietly.

“So Jace, I'm guessing you're here to get the whereabouts of your family.”

“Yes.” he said confidently, unfazed by Ishawn's lack of interest.

“I'm sorry, I cannot do that.”

“Then I'll have to take measures into my own hands.”

“Jace, I have no intention of fighting you. Not now at least.” he replied holding his temples and sighing. After a few minutes of silence Ishawn spoke again.

“Albert, please show Jace out.” he said and Albert led Jace through the hallway from the den and to the front door.

“Sir, someone requested I hand this to you before you leave.” Albert said handing Jace a flash drive, before closing the door and Jace walked back to the vehicle he came in.

“How did it go?” Ace, one of his comrades who joined him on the trip asked.

“Useless, but I got a flash drive from the butler.‘

“The butler?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. He said someone requested that he give it to me before I leave. I'm pretty sure it was Imany.” he replied and Dice started the engine.

“Oh, okay. Amy will help us with the computer stuff since she's a wiz at that sort of stuff.”

“Nerd.” Lance said coughing.

“Don't speak of my girlfriend that way.” Dice said looking at him through the mirror.

“Sorry dude.” he replied chuckling and leaning back into the seat while Jace stared out of the window, deep in thought.

“Hey, we'll get them back. I'm sure if it.” she whispers into his ear since she sat behind of him in the car.

×At his house×

“Seriously guy's, you could've done this.” Amy said opening the flash drive and clicking the only file on it which was labelled as 'INFO'

Once the document loaded, the words 'YOU DUMBASSES!' was written in big bold letters and in a smaller font the sentence, 'I knew Imany would've given this to you Jace, be prepared for what's coming...' was written.

“Shit man!” Jace shouted gripping the edge of the table, “He's gonna get what's coming to him.”

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