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Kimmy's POV
Previous night..

She got home at 11:30, a half hour before her curfew to see her mom and Dad sitting in the den discussing something.

“Hey mum and dad.” she said knocking on the door frame before entering and sitting down.

“I'm glad your home early hun, your father and I need to discuss something with you.” Katy, her mother replied.

“Okay. What is it?”

“Well, as you know you're 18th birthday is coming up.”

“How can I forget! I plan on having a party with some of my friends in the jacuzzi room and then we'd-”

“Kimmy, you're getting distracted. What you're mom was trying to say is, we're not human.” Omar, her father said.

“You're joking right? If we're not humans then what are we?” she asked laughing.

“Kimmy Parker, this is not a laughing matter because on your 18th birthday you'll finally see your true form.’ He said his voice still calm but stern.

“My true form? Okay, so tell me exactly what we are.”

“We're demons, hun.” Katy replies.

“Demons? I'm not sure if I want to believe that.” she said uneasily.

“Believe it hun, but we're not the only one's.” Katy says

“Who else do I know are demons?” she asks curiously.

“You're best friend Val and her family, there are others but they're irrelevant at this time.” Katy replies.

“Okay... So let me get this straight. You, dad, Kimar and I are demons. Along with my best friend, her dad and brother. What about her mom? I know she died but wasn't she a demon, also?” she pries.

“Sorry Kimmy, we can't answer that. Its none of our business.” Omar says solemnly.

“Okay. So is there anything in particular I should know about my true form?”

“He's up again, dear.” Omar says, hearing Jace yawn from upstairs.

“Okay. Kimmy get some sleep we'll discuss the rest in the morning, we've got to go and make sure your baby brother's alright.” Katy replies.

“But how can you here him? His room's on the other side of the house.” Kimmy says astonished.

“One of the perks of being a demon.” Omar replied.

“Also, to answer your question, humans fear us, so after you develop your true form don't show yourself like that in public unless its necessary.” Katy said before they both exited the den leaving Kimmy alone with her thoughts.

“Alrighty then.” she said once she went over everything in her head.

Picking up her bag, she made her way to her room where she soon fell asleep.

She got up early the following morning to find out more about her being a demon. Walking into the dimly lit den, she found her parents asleep in the carpet with her brother between them.

Not wanting to wake them, she quietly walked around them and into the kitchen, where she grabbed her debit card and some cash then left the house to go to school.

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Where stories live. Discover now