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*Two days earlier*
Kimmy's POV

“Val! No! Open the door!” she shouted banging on the door.

The excessive noise from upstairs caused her parents along with Val's dad to come rushing upstairs.

“What's wrong? Where's Val?” Katy asked, worriedly.

“She's- She's in the bathroom.” she replied tears running down her cheeks. Richard pushed through her and slammed into the door, knocking it off its hinges.

Kimmy walked in soon after, to see her best friend on the floor, with a bottle next to her opened hand. Richard picked up the bottle and after reading the label, his face palled.

“What bottle is that?” Katy asked.

“Sleeping pills.” Richard replied squeezing the container in his hand until it broke and Kimmy stood there still from shock.

“Omar, how many were in the bottle?”

“It was half full.” Omar replied truthfully.

“So, she took all.” she said and Kimmy couldn't suppress anymore sobs she tried keeping in.

Her best friend lied there unconscious, probably dying.

She thought sinking to the floor and clutching her knees close to her chest and crying her heart out.

*Richard's POV*

As soon as Omar said the container was half full, his mind went into quick motion and he picked Val up and held her in his arms.

“Katy, will you be able to help her?”

“Yeah. I will, but we need to get to my hospital.” she said and Omar rushed out starting the car. He quickly walked out not a minute later still holding Val close to him.

Once everyone was in the Omar drove off towards Katy's hospital.

“I should've been honest with you. If I was, none of this would've happened, but from now on I'll no longer keep secrets from you.” he said to Val before she was taken from his arms, loaded unto a gurney and taken inside.

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat