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Veronica's POV

"It's a girl!" One of the nurses shouted, before handing her the child.

Looking at the child she held, bright blue eyes stared back at her and she knew she got them from her dad since hers were olive green.

She played with her daughter and smiled as she giggled at her, while her husband stood there admiring her and their daughter.He left the room soon after to go and get their son , Jace, but not before placing a kiss on each of their foreheads.

The lights miraculously came off in the room she was in, a few minutes after he left and the baby started crying due to the sudden darkness. the sound of glass shattering, over powered the baby's cry and she felt her daughter taken out of her arms.

She screamed and shouted, but two strong hands held her in place before something was shoved in her face and the last thing she heard was her daughter's cry before she fell into the darkness.

She sat up panting for air, and wiped the bead of sweat that formed on her forehead. the nightmares she's been having came and went but for these past few days they came frequently, felt surreal and she found it hard to get up from them.

She pressed her back against the concrete wall and brought her knees up to her chest, then buried her face in them and let the hot, heart broken tears fall. the door of the cell opened and another girl got thrown in.

She instantly felt a pull towards the young girl that was groaning in and trying to sit up. she gasped at the girl's brown curly hair and similar features to her beloved husband?

“Val?” she called out.

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora