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Val's POV

She woke up in an unfamiliar room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and getting out of the bed as Katy walked into the room.

“Oh good, you're up.” Katy said glancing at Val and then back to the clipboard in her hand. After turning a few pages and scribbling something, she looked back up at Val and dropped the board in shock and astonishment.

“What's wrong?” she asked confused.

“N- N- nothing really. I'll just go get your dad.” she replied before scurrying out the door.

Walking over to a reflective surface, she saw that a pair of golden wings hovered behind her, giving off a soft humming sound.

“What the- ” she said reaching back and when her hand faintly touched it she gasped and jumped back a few feet away from the metal cupboard she was looking at, “I'm an-”

“Angel.” someone said from behind her and she whipped around in such a speed that it made her light-headed.

“Who are you?”

“Let's just say, I'm a good friend of your father.” he said winking at her and grinning sinisterly, “Now, I don't want any trouble. All you have to do is come with me.”

“Why am I gonna go somewhere with a complete stranger?” she asked trying not to make it obvious she was walking to the door, but it slammed shut and she heard it lock from outside.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way Valencia. You choose.” he said with a red light dimly forming around him.

“I choose neither.” she replied trying to stand confidently.

“It's a shame, because I'd have to do this.” he said blasting the light towards her, throwing her back into the metal cupboard as she screamed out in pain and darkness crowded her vision.

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Where stories live. Discover now