Chapter 1~

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I am in fact a normal regular 17 year old girl, who is in her last year of school. My name is Alison Meraline and I live in the central part of London, the view from my room has this amazing view of London itself.

I have a brother and a sister (Tom and Emily) My brother is 19 and my sister is 15. I'm in sixth form, (year 12) and am currently working towards my A levels to get into my picked out Uni.

I've decided to go to medical school to be a forensic pathologist, that's if I get in of course!

I have brown hair and green eyes, which I inherit from my father. Most of my friends say I have Aqua green eyes like my father, who was Spanish. And my mom Ashleigh is fully English, which makes me half British and half Spanish.

My father Ben passed away nearly a year ago...

"So Alison, can you make it after school?" Penny asks me looking up from her phone. I hadn't been listening at all but whatever is was I'm pretty sure I could make it.

My brown glossy fringe flops down over my eyes getting in the way. I swear  to god I'm going to go at it with a pair of scissors one of these days..

I nod my head in agreement with whatever she said.
"Yeah so meet at the bowling alley in the town centre near the concert place. At 5:30 tonight" Zara reminded me and Keira. I nod my head and smile, at least I'm busy over this weekend.
"I can't be bothered with school anymore, I'm so frickin exited today's the last day" I whoop throwing my arms in the air. She chuckled linking arms with me. We walk up the school field and into the science department where our last period of the day was.

These two girls were standing in front of us gossiping. The blonde one says:
"Hey Adriana, did you hear the Magcon are coming to London this Saturday, they're doing this Europe tour thingy?" She said. The other girl replies in response.

"OMG sasha I don't know that, I can't wait" She claps her hands together squealing with excitement. I don't know what they're fangirling about, after all Magcon is just a group of guys. I'm not the type to obsesse over them, but they certainly are.

Besides I'm wayyyy to swag for a bunch of teenagers at a meet and greet that lasts for 10 seconds.
Says the one that thinks she's cool who ownes a pair of glasses that you wear when reading. Wow Ali, talk about you trying to be swag.

Penny" I hiss, I grab her arm as she was going in.
"What?" She hisses back looking at me questionably.
"Did you hear those two girls, Magcon are going round Europe? Which means they're here in London" I reply to her comment.
"That's cool, but oh well we're not going, it's too late anyway" She had a fair point, then we'd be really obsessed. I enter the class and Mr Kirks taps his watch impatiently glaring at me and Zara.
I was so glad that the lesson  was finally over, and I wasn't really interested in molecules and compounds and all the chemistry shit that goes with it to be honest.

"You guys ready?" Keira asks us grabbing her bag. "Yas betches, let's go do some bowling" I say high fiveing them.
"Do you think we should get something to eat?" Zara suggests.
"Yeah sounds good, where should we go?" I agree asking them. "What about some pizza at Dominos?" Penny suggests.

We all nod in agreement, I LOVE dominos it's my favourite pizza place in London. "See you guys in a bit" I say walking out of the gate. I hear them say a faint 'bye' before I hurry off. I can't wait for tonight, I better go and get ready.

I unlock my white car climbing in and heading for my house for later tonight...

I unlock the door to my house quickly running up to my room.

Tom was out, he's barley ever in anyway. Doing some kind of shit with his friends probably (as per usual)

I see Emily In her room plunked down on the floor.
"Hey Em, I'm going out tonight until probably quite late. Tell mum that I'll be out" I say smiling, she nods briefly before turning to her laptop again. I shut the door behind me, what should I wear? Hm... I know. I hurry over to my wardrobe pulling out: A white LAZY crop top, a black skater skirt, my black wedges and a black bow. I pick my brush up form the dressing table and quickly brush it through. I shake it up a bit and leave it as it is. I do my makeup doing a cat-flick do compliment my green eyes. My nails were already white so they didn't need doing. I should be finally done!

I checked the time on my phone, it was already 5:14 I better get going. I grab my bag from the side and chuck my phone, keys and purse in. I say bye to Emily before hurrying out of the door shutting it behind me.

I look straight ahead of me to find Zara already in the car waiting for me. I  spot her rushing over to the car climbing in.
"Hey, your early" She is pretty early I wasn't expecting her at all, I'd probably be hanging round for ages before she came (experience my dear readers)

"Hey, yeah I think there's a lot of traffic so I decided to come earlier so we could get there on time" She replies raising her eyebrows.
"Well it's good that your here then!" I say checking I've got everything.

I look over at her, she's so perfect, She's got beech wavy blonde hair, and her blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight. She's got everything that I haven't, if a guy should be falling for anyone it should be Zara.
"What you staring at?" She notices me staring at her. I must've looked like a complete weirdo just sitting there gormless staring at her. I shake my head realising she might be concerned with me.

"Oh... Er... It's just that your so perfect Zara" I say honestly fiddling with my bracelet. She gives a rather loud Zara laugh.
"You've got everything that I've ever wanted, I swear your so pretty Ali" She smiles at me concentrating back on the road.

Boy what a night this is going to be...

A/N: Hey guys! My name is mallika, and this is my first every book :) the idea came when I was bored stuck in a caravan in the middle of Devon. Since that day, me and my best friend have been working on this fanfic!

Enough of me rambling, but remember to vote comment and share!
Love mallika xx

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