Chapter 20~

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Cam's POV

"Where've ya been?" Shawn asks as I enter the hotel.
"Oh we went to McDonald's" I reply looking at the grounds of the hotel. My eyes travel up to the top of the stairs...

They say the human pupil expands up to 50% more when it sees something it loves, i think this is a pretty accurate case.

Ali really looks beautiful, okay possibly the most prettiest girl I have ever seen in my whole entire life.

Even the way she strutted down the stairs, it's like she'd rehearsed it 100 times before.

Her black dress just about fell above her knees, her dark hair looked like she'd spent hours rather than minutes...

Ali's POV

The mirror caught my eye, is my hair too messy? I bet Pen is going to look amazing, I think I should do something with these lifeless locks.

I plug in my curling iron, and started curling each section carefully. After all I'm sure that dad would've wanted me to have a good time tonight.

I grin at what I've finished, and finally head out the door. Everyone is probably lowkey waiting for me.

I wasn't far off actually, everyone is downstairs and most of their mouths are hanging open.

Is there someone famous behind me? I glance round my shoulder, nope there's no one there.

Even Cams mouth is gaping open and his eyes are as wide as saucers. I'm pretty sure it's anything but me.

"What is there something on my face, cause I swear I felt a bit of lettuce there ea-" I begin to rant, they are all still gaping.

"No, you look- fine as hell" Taylor interrupts me as I clearly notice his purple bandana.

"Much appreciated, especially from you" I give a light laugh removing a piece of fluff from my dress.

Cam is glaring at Taylor, then he punches his arm and whispers something in his ear.

"Cam close your mouth, people will think you're a human Venus fly trap" I giggle gently shutting his mouth.

His lips curl into a smirk, then he starts eyeing me up. From my toes, to my legs, then to my cleavage area then lands on my eyes.

"Not sulking anymore then?" I question as he rolls his eyes at me.
"Okay let's go guys" Gilinsky declared walking out with Pen clung on his arm.

"Not after what a sight you are" He winks as we step outside again, it's the same place just different setting.

"You look rather dashing..." Zara begins in her best posh accent. When we were little they always used to tease me about how my accent was always posh.

"Is that supposed to be some kind of pun or mock?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her, I bet she's hungry.

Not every girl gets Cameron Dallas to take them to McDonald's, without really asking in all actual fact.

"Noooooo why of course not Ali, hahahhaha really you look really pretty though" She didn't look half as bad herself, her coral dress and long blonde straight hair.

"I brought my big car guys" Oh the amount of times I've seen Taylor's car on Snapchat. Let's just say some girls in my class have a lot of explaining to do.

"We know Taylor, don't rub it in even more" Matt rolls his eyes as Taylor unlocks the car so we can get in.

'The Nightclub' The sign red, wow what a boring name for a good looking club. It had a mini cocktail as it's logo, I think the logo is more enticing than the name.

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