Chapter 13~

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Ali's POV

So basically my life is FUCKING confusing. Yesterday was international kissing day (it really wasn't) however today I have plans. And that does not include snogging Cam every 5 minutes.

I'm lying in bed, taking NOTE of my thoughts eating a box of Frosties to myself. What a fattie I am, SAVAGE.

Right, I'm going to see Matt this morning, then I'm hoping to meet up with Zara, Penny and Keira at Starbucks for coffee.

Must... Be... motivated... I lift the sheets off, getting out of bed and into the shower. I haven't had one in days... or have I?

Cams POV

"Cam come and shoot the video with us" Matt calls from his room across the hall. We're shouting the pickles challenge, and the loser waxes his legs.

And Matt legit hates pickles, I don't understand him. Or even why we're filming this video
"Okay coming" I call getting up and grabbing my phone.

I start a text... to a very good kisser named Ali.

To: Ali
Rise and shine princess,
Are your lips still tingling? Cause mine defiantly are (;
Cam xxx

I hit send sandwiching between Nash and Matt...

"Hey guys my name is Cameron Dallas and..."

Ali's POV

I hop out the shower wrapping my fluffy white towel round me.
I grab my phone hitting pause on my playlist song, to find a text from Cam.

Wow, what a cheesy text to start the day off. However this morning...

To: Cam
Actually they're not, that just proves how much you love me :)
Ali ;)

With that I roll my eyes walking to my room, and picking something to wear for today.

I dig out a grey criss cross t-shirt, and a light brown button up skirt. I grab the brush from the side, and brush my hair. I grab my blow dryer drying my hair and braiding it in two French plaits.

I apply some mascara, concealer, my favourite bronzer (of all time my friends) and a coral pink lipstick. I like to keep things neutral my friends.

I take my black bag from the side, and slip my phone, keys and purse putting on my shoes as well as running out the door at the same time.

I can multi task at like two tasks at the same time people, don't judge cause you're not even here. Ohhhhh...

I gallop down the stairs to see mum up making breakfast with Em. She looked tired, like every day of her life.

"Hi mum, Em, see you later I'm popping out for a bit" I great them and peak at what they're doing. Em's frying the bacon, and Mum's buttering the bread.

"Oh hey Ali, aren't you going to join us?" Mum places the knife down glancing up at me through her hazel eyes.

A smile spread across my face, did they yet know I had a whole box Frosties to myself in bed a couple of hours ago. Plus Cameron just generally Ames me laugh.

"No it's fine, I have plans for this morning anyways" I'm hoping Matt can take me out for some kind of brunch (breakfast crossed between lunch)

"Oh okay, have a good time" Emily smiled at me as I shut the door behind me. I unlock the car walking up to it... open sesame and it's open. Just like magic... okay the magic of my keys.

Cams POV

So the original plan was for the loser to wax their legs... now we all decided to do it.

My leg kills, the dumb ass waxing strip got stuck on my leg and took ages to get off. My stomach churned from the whole jar of pickles I ate, plus some of Matt's.

All throughout the video I would laugh at random time, the people that watch this are gunna think I'm some kind of retard or something.

Oh well... this is all of Ali's fault anyways. She made me smile at the most random times, from this morning to yesterday in the supermarket.

"Come on Cam stop daydreaming just cause you're in love" Matt slaps my head goofily, I'm not in love... or am I-

"Shut up you retard... and what you said yesterday was a godamn stupid thing as well" I punched his arm in return for being an asshole.

"I only speak what I see" He raises his arms in despair,
"Anyways we need to go to breakfast" I roll my eyes getting up and following the guys...

Ali's POV

I pull up at the side curb stopping the car. His house appeared the same as it last was, is that good.

I get our walking up to the front door, I knock it but the door seems slitley ajar so it swings right open.

"Hello?" I cam softly, no reply. The first area my eyes linger upon is the fact that it's completely empty. I step inside taking a good look round, nope just and empty house.

I swivel on my heal to turn back out the door, however I'm stopped by noises form up stairs. The floorboards are creaking, surely there's somebody up there.

I step up the stairs, one by one until I reach the top floor. I creep along to his bedroom, and once again the door is slitley ajar.

I poke it with my index finger, to find my boyfriend Matt kissing the worst possible person on this earth...

Jennifer Barker... my old bully in Primary school. What the fuck? My head is filled with confusing and hurtful thoughts.

My cheeks start to become red, and my eyes filled with hot, angry tears. At least when I kissed someone, it was t your godamn bully for seven years.

"What the hell?" I yell, as Matt looks me and looks rather abrupt. However how predictable, Jennifer has the smirk wiped across her fat face.

"Ali... t-this is not... what is looks like" Matt stutters getting up glaring at Jennifer who was gloating like some kid that's won the novel prize.

"No Matt I can see exactly what you're doing, save your breathe" A tear tricked from me eye, I hate her SO FUCKING much.

"Ali... please" Matt come after me grabbing my bare arm, ouch... his grip hurt me.
"Get off me..." I shake my arms storming down the stairs and outside into the open world.

I unlock the door getting in the car, staring out the window processing what has just happened.

Why can't there be a happy ever after with me? Will there ever me one?

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