Chapter 4~

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Ali's POV

"I have my sources, try one of your friends" He taps his nose smirking at me. Oh man I can't help but blush and slitley giggle (the tiniest bit in the world)

My mouth was going to answer back, but I decided otherwise. I turn on my heel and over to Zara, who I instantly think of.

"Did you tell Cam my name?" I asked as she turned round to listen. Her mouth creeps into a smile, that's when I know for sure.

"Maybe..." She was sniggering a lot now.
"Why???? You know I hate him" I complain rolling my eyes at her.

"Well I was talking to Nash, and Cam rlly wanted to know your name; so I felt bad and told him your name. It's pretty obvious you like him as well Ali" She raises an eyebrow at me.

Why the hell does everyone think I suddenly have a crush on Cam? No I don't, he's such a fuckboy.
Even from the way his brown hair stands up like that, and his chocolate brown eyes. And his big, red, plump li-

What are you doing Alison Meraline? Snap out of it, he's a fuckboy and you even know that from when you first saw him back at the pizza place...

"Goodbye Nash" Finally we're leaving this place, and that means I'm getting a way from Cam. Now he can't see me every again, yes.

Zara unlocks the car door opening it, and so I climb in.

"Wow what a... fun night" Zara says giggling a little.
"Yh, never again will I be going to bump into Cam like that" I feel relived knowing I can't possibly see him again, he has no contact details on me so he can't text me or anything for that matter.

I unlock the door to my house stepping inside, it was warm and cosy as I left as it is now. Candles flickering in the corner, the fire still on as i left it. Everyone must've be in bed, even Tom. On step, two steps, three st-

"Alison Meraline, where have you been?" I stop dead in my tracks and swivel round to find Tom standing in front of me his arms folded.

"I er... I was out with some friends and just came back" I say stuttering, to be fair Cam isn't my friend. Like at All.

"Oh okay" He smiles and walks up the stairs to his room. Wow that was weird, I thought it was going to be some kind of interrogation.

I trudge up the stairs and flop onto my king size bed, which by the way I have no one to share with. Accept...

Ping. My phone buzzes from inside my bag. I open my phone to see a text from and unknown number.

Hey Ali,
I was wondering if you could come along on the date with Zara and Nash; she doesn't wanna go alone.
Cam (:

Wow, first my name, now my number. Three  N's- Name, numerals and now number. Wow, what else could possibly happen that is as predictable as this?

I quickly reply back to his, needy text shall we call it.

Hi boi, and how did you get my number? You are so predictable it's unreal;
And your going with nash as well?

Within the space of 10 seconds, he replies again. Isn't he meant to be doing something more productive like posting a goodnight corny tweet to some fan that what's all day for it? No, okay he's probably got it scheduled on his phone each night.

Yep, that's why I invited you; smart aren't I(;

No, your a self absorbing asshole. In which case most fans see past it.

I reply to his text once more before staring up at the white, plank ceiling thinking through tonight. Wow, what a night.

That changed your normal night up a bit, but not for the best necessarily.

Ping... another text comes through from... yet again Cameron, I don't know why I double check to be completely honest.

Ouch! I guess you like the game hard to get, but I can play as well...(;

Ugh, I knew he'd come up with something along the lines of that.

Good, then you'll finally leave me alone :/

With that I collapse backwards on my bed drowning my thoughts in despair...

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