Chapter 15~

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Ali's POV

I park the car in the car park, get out and I'm currently walking up to go into Starbucks. I ranch the door open, all I can smell are freshly ground coffee beans that take my breathe away.

Ahhh I see Zara, Penny and Keira huddled at a table in the corner. I walk over pulling up a chair next to Keira.

"Hey guys" I say with a genuine smile on my face.
"Hey whatsup?" Zara asks, i love her blonde messy bun today, she's like super stylish.

This waiter comes over to our table, he had really light blonde hair, and he was holding her notepad in one hand as well as a pen in the other.

"What can I get you?" He asks combing his fingers through his hair, I notice the broken love heart tattoo at the bottom of his wrist.

"Um... please may I have a skinny late in a to go cup" I read his name tag in which case read 'Nick'

That's hilarious, Nick plus bean, he works in a coffee shop. Equals Nick Bean. Genius, aren't I? No, no okay it's just my puny coffee shop jokes.

He smiles and nods his head before going to prepare my coffee.
"So how've you been?" Zara asks siping her coffee like an innocent child.

To be fair, she's a bad ass inside, like the bitch rebel Zara.
"I'm going to be straight up, I've been a fucking mess" this is pretty relatable for someone who has the same messy, scattered life as I do.

I mean ever since mr fuckboy (cam) came along, he's made it like 10 times worst. It's now ever so complicated, I like really don't like him.

Not even one bit, who am i kidd-
"Why what's happened lately?" Keira asked, I don't think they really want to know.

"Well earlier today, I caught Matt kissing Jennifer. Which really bugged me, not the kissing part, just the Jennifer bit" I look up to see all of their shocked faces, even Penny.

"Wait what... THE Jennifer?" Keira asked, the waiter comes back with my coffee. It's really funny to see Keira's expression, it's like: piss of mother fucker type face.

He places it on the table, and nervously scurries away.
"Yes guys, THE exact bitch named Jennifer" I nod my head slowly, each one of them engulfing the new information.

"Wow what a total, and utter bitch" Zara piped in raising her blue eyes to heaven.

"She's most definitely up to something, slut" Penny added the extra 'slut' word on the end, this actually made me feel a whole lot better.

"Cam asked me to go to L.A with him and they guys, I don't know what to do?" I sip my coffee again, everything's super confusing right now.

I legit just completely changed the subject, from Jenifer to now Cam.

"Really? Nash asked if I could go to home with him as well" Zara smiles taking a bite of her triple chocolate brownie.

"Why can't we all just go with the guys?" I suggest, it's so much easier if we all go together.

"Yeah, I mean Gilinsky was dropping hints last night" Penny admits, now her and Gilinsky are a small thing.

Ever since Gilinsky broke up with his previous girlfriend (Madeline) he's been super interested in Penny.

I mean every one of us has some kind of connection with one of the guys accept Keira.

Well me and Cams are friends with benefits kind of way, I don't know just go with it guys.

"Yeah, I think that's the best thing for us. Anyways, I'm going to go and talk to
Cam, I need to talk to him anyway" I stand up and pick up my patterned coffee cup.

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