Chapter 14~

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not updating very quickly; I've had a lot of school work to be doing:) You probably hate me for it, enjoy the following chapter though-

-M xx

Ali's POV

Why do I always fall for fuckboys? Interrupting my thoughts was my phone ringing. If if was Cam I swear to g-

(M-Me P-Penny)

P: Hey Ali, just wondering if you're still up for coffee later?
M: Hey Pen, I'm not er... sure if I want to come anymore.
P: Why? Whatsup? You can tell me anything you know
M: Um... well...
P: I'm listening...
M: Well I basically went round Matts house and I  thought we could go to brunch together, however I caught him making out with Jennifer. Like the kissing part didn't bother me, just the fact that it was Jennifer. He meant to explain, but I wouldn't give him the time of day. This is Karma from when I kissed Camer-

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Wow Alison, you just told Penny that you kissed Cam. Way to go keeping it a secret as well, why do I blurt stuff out I'm not supposed to?

P: Wait what? You kissed Cameron?
M: Y-yes in so many words but only twic-

Fuck. Yet again my mouth blabs away without me processing what I'm saying.

P: Wow Ali, this is better than the Kardashians.

M: Pen this isn't some TV show we're talking about, this is my life.

I roll my eyes at her stupid comment, that's something Penny would say alright. I hang up the phone sighing and staring out the window once again.

Ping. My phone buzzed again, wow I'm very popular today aren't I? Surprise, surprise it's form asshole number 2 Cam:

From Cam:
Hey princess,
I was wondering if I could come round yours, we've got our last magcon rehearsal tonight
Cam xxx

Maybe I could do with some company, seen as now I'm as single as a French fry without ketchup. I start the engine up driving down the same path I came.

I twist the key opening my door, to find that no one is downstairs. They've probably gone out, I guess all I can do is sulk in my room with a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream...

Cams POV

"Everyone cool with tonight?" Bart asked us standing on the stage. Tonight is the last Magcon show, as well as the meet and great.

I'm going to see Ali now, however she's not coming home with us back to L.A. Life goes back to normal again, oh well.

"See you Nash" I pat his shoulder walking off.
"Where you going?" He asked turning to look round at me.

"I'm going to Ali's" I smirk walking backwards off the stage
"True love" Nash makes this heart shape laughing, I roll my eyes walking out the double doors...

I pull up at the her black door, followed by me actually getting out the car.

The door looks slitley ajar, I wonder if anyone's in?
I see Mrs. Meraline sitting on the couch, I think that Ali's upstairs.

"Afternoon mrs Meraline" she looks up smiling.
"Oh hi Cam, Ali's just upstairs, however she seems in a bit of a bad mood" Great, I wonder what's happened now.

I smile walking up the stairs, and Ali's door is open so I push it. She's at her desk with her headphones on.

I run up behind her and...

Ali's POV

"Rahhhh" Someone jolts me on the shoulders, making me jump out of my wits. I fall to the ground, my headphones now round the wrong way.

"Ughhh, you could've knocked asshole" I roll my eyes getting back up and sitting on my chair.

"Sorry, your door was open" He raises his arms innocently in the air, what a dweeb.
"Why did you want to come here anyways?" I ask looking back at my laptop.

"Cause, I wanted to see you before we go tomorrow" He fiddles with his hair, all guys do that nowadays.

"I can see you more often than you think" I mumble under my breathe, seen as I don't really have a boyfriend anymore.

"Did you break up with Matt or something?" He puts Matts name in quotation marks and smirks like her always does.

I raise my fleeky, on point, perfect eyebrow. Okay, I've been told much before, I'm just kidding. However you can look at my eyebrow at the top there guys.

"Yes... he was kissing this girl that used to bully me" I daren't  look at his reaction, oh lord help me now.

"Wait what " I slowly turn and look at him, his face looks sickened.
"Yeah, well long story" it's really not to be completely honest.

"What a complete retard and fucking dooche bag" His eyes flash with anger, I've never seen him so angry before.

"I know, i know" I smile getting up and sitting next to him.
I looked in his eyes, it was cute when he frowned.

Cams POV

She sat down next to me, I looked in her green eyes, she is the exact image of the perfect girl for me.

I lean in as well as her...

Ali's POV

Ping. Ping. Ping. My phone starts ringing brilliant, which like ruins the moment completely.

It's Zara as well, I shit I forgot to meet her for coffee. Great.
I decline the call, and look up at Cam. Who is vigorously smirking at me, why do I always fall for him.

"Can't you just hurry up and kiss me already?" He asks raising both eyebrows.
"No I can't, I have to go to coffee with Zara, Penny and Keira" I smirk back getting up and getting my bag and closing my laptop.

"Why don't you come to L.A with us?" I turn to look at him, is he really  serious?
"Are you serious?" I've never thought of that before, maybe because I never imagined him leaving before.

It was mad, yet it made sense.
"Yeah, I don't see why not, you can stay in a hotel till the end of the holidays. I'll pay" That would be so cool, but I couldn't just get up and leave.

"I can't just leave Em, Tom and mum" I can't just run away from them with some fuckboy who could easily cheat on me.

"They can come later, like a couple of weeks I mean" He seemed deadly serious about this, maybe there is a possibility that I could?

"I'll give it some thought, I'm not sure though"
"Anyways you need to go, like now...."

250 reads for the next part? We shall see xx

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