Chapter 12~

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Morning guys, so I was thinking; maybe I should make these chapters a little longer? I dunno, what do u think???????
-M xx

Ali's POV

Wow, I would have never have guessed; the man himself. Cameron Dallas. Even the smug smirk on his face makes me wanna slap him, I just can't work the guy out.

"Well I never, look who's here" Cam was wearing the same thing as earlier today, accept a different top. It's like he changes girls every night.

"Yeah well I do live here, unlike you" I roll my eyes at him, what an utter fuckboy.
"Isn't IT a bit ironic how you're here?" He asks looking at me through his chocolate brown eyes.

"No, isn't it a bit ironic on how you follow me everywhere?" I smirk, he's not the only one who can answer back. My middle name is sassy, pschhhhh.

"W-well, maybe I just have a crush on you?" Cam is still smirking, and now I'm blushing real hard.
"I bet you like me as well, you just can't admit it to yourself" He's so full of himself, what an asshole.

"I never denied it, plus I have a boyfriend, remember? You burst out crying, and poor Cam was heart broken" I snigger raising my eyes to the heavens, wow.

"I didn't cry for one, and that's good, you think I'm sooooo hot don't you?" Cam is laughing and smirking at the same time.
"Don't you have some chicks to fuck? Rather than bothering me?" I roll my eyes, for the third time today. I can here someone behind me, thank the lord it's Emily.

She's hurtling towards us, her brown hair covering her green eyes up.

"There was this massive queue so I-" Em came up to me, but her eyes travelled up to Cam, in which case she stopped talking.

"Ali..." She asked,
"Is this the guy you always talk about, even in you're sleep?" Emily is... wait what?

"...ha...ha... n-no e-m this is not the guy... this is Cameron Dallas" I turn to face her, what did she just say?
"Yes Ali... you're always talking about him" Her tone sounds addiment, brilliant. Now old asshole here is gunna think I'm completely obsessed with him.

"Oh... so you talk about me in your sleep now do we?" Right now Cam has the worlds biggest smirk smeared across his face.

Ughhhhh, now he's going to think I'm now madly in love with him or something.

I turn and glare at Emily, she bit her lip sniggering at me.
"I'm gunna... er... look in the frozen isle" She pushes her trolley going left, I can still hear her laughing from here.

"Wow... looks like someone has a new hobby" Cam smirks taking a step forward.
"Oh yeah... well clearly you have an obsession with me" I take a step forward as well as him.

Now we're like 1cm apart from each other's breathing space.
Cam crashes his lips against mine, okay not entirely crashing with them. It was just like the first kiss, everything slowed down in time.

I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach, growing with every kiss Cam makes.
Must... not... kiss.. back, oh fuck it I give in sinking my lips with his. I closed my eyes, all I can feel are Cam's soft lips against mine.

Cam gently pulls away, I open one eye to find him staring at me...

Cams POV

Wow Ali talks about me in my sleep, that's no surprise to be honest. She's so cute... and beautiful even when she embarrassed standing in Londons supermarket.

"Wow someone looks like they have a new hobby" I take a step forward to her, I never dreamed today would end up like this.

"Oh yeah...well clearly you have an obsession with me" Ali also takes a step forward, now we're really close to eachother.

All I'm looking at are Ali's lips, big lips are a massive turn on.
I lean in to kiss her, surprisingly she hasn't pulled away yet.

She's not kissing back, maybe she doesn't like it? Chill Cameron, she talks about you in her sleep, just act smooth.

Ahhh, she finally starts to kiss back, no I remember what a good kisser she is. She syncs her lips with mine, I open an eye to find she has both closed.

I gently pull away, she opens her Aqua eyes staring right back at me.
"Get a room you guys" Matt runs past us makings kissing face. Both of us blush, I'm gunna get Matt for this.

"Ahhhh, you like what you get?" I smirk laughing a little.
"W-what... no not really" She's blushing again, wow she's really cute.

"Mmm... I guess your boyfriend is no longer in the picture?" I touch my hair and watch her reaction, she stutters her cheeks rapidly turning a deep shade of crimson.

"... ohhhhh, well... er... I've gotta go, plus it's none of your business asshole" She rolls her eyes turning the opposite direction.

"It is since you kissed me" I call after her.
"No, you're the one who kissed me first" She turned around so I could see her face, she was smirking and laughing at the same time.

"You really like her" Aaron comes up behind me patting my back...

Ali's POV

What a nutter. I came in here, thinking I would never see the guy again. And here I am yet again, kissing him for the second time today.

So I'm going to visit Matt tomorrow morning, hopefully I can work some stuff out then.

"I can't believe you and Cam" Emily comes over to me clapping her hands and squeaking with anticipation.

"Trust me it's nothing big" I take a bottle of milk from the fridge shelf, the coldness of the bottle sent shivers down my spine.

The bottles with the red caps were better, in which case they're skimmed milk better for the cholesterol system. Wow I'm going on one of my many rants again... no wonder I got bullied in Primary school.

"You better go see him tomorrow" Emily squeaks once again... what a log days it's been.

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora