Chaptet 23~

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Cam's POV

I can't believe what I'm seeing, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me? Nah, she's definitely flirting with Johnson and looking at me every 7 seconds.

I'm silently laughing in my head, I'm holding my breathe and my lips are pursed.

I try not to steel myself with a loud roar of laughter, mixed in with a lot of jealousy.

Someone taps my shoulder, I turn on my heal to see an unwanted face- Madeline. She sidles up next to me, touching my arm.

Another girl, that wants to fuck me. But if i did, it would really mean nothing, nothing at all.

Okay it's been a whole 24 hours since Ali has touched me, kissed me anything. And In all honestly, I craved it so much.

Everything about her is so perfect, her smile, long dark hair, clear green eyes with a deep meaning behind them. I liked it, and I mean a lot.

I tear my attention back to real life, Madeline beaming at me, bating her eyelashes; her makeup heavy and her eyes look like she's been punched.

"Hey Cammy" Hold up, since when did she start calling me some kindergarten nickname?

"Hi" I blankly say, hopefully she'll stop pestering me and go away. Although, what'll really piss Ali off is if I get together with her.

Revenge is a sweet, sweet thing my friends.
"So I was thinking, seen as we kissed; maybe we could be more than fri-" I know where this is going. 110% I know.

"Yes, okay whatever" I quickly cut her off looking over at Ali, I think she heard actually. Well I mean her jaws basically to the ground, and she's raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yay, I can't wait!" She exclaims hugging my waist, honestly she's like a leach stuck on me...

Ali's POV

Wow. Just fucking wow, so now Cam's decided to play things my way. So him and Madeline are how a 'thing'

"So you and Jack are a thing-"
"So you and Madeline are a thing-" I go up to him, we say both in unison.

Wow, that's creepy as fuck.
"Yeah, why do you have a problem with that?" I ask trying to square up to his height. No success.

"No pschhh, do you have a problem with me?" He asks smirking down at me.
Yes, yes I quite frankly have a huge problem with it.

"No, of course I don't" I ignore my inner thoughts, shut up.
"Good" I repeat after him. With that said I turn around, quicken my pace to Zara and Keira.

"What a douche" I roll my eyes as I doge round little kids, inside i'm freaking out seen as were in Disney world.

"Well at least you seem cozy with Johnson" Keira fantasises my thoughts, Johnson's not bad; but I think as him more as a friend.

Where as me and Cam never were friends, friends with benefits I guess you could call it. No, no benefits of friends anymore, you hate him, remember?

I swing the double doors open, this is just like to pininterest images that I used to search up 'Disney land goals' on.

I'm finally the one who's actually in the photo, bloody hell thats amazing. To think that a couple of weeks ago I started off as a normal girl, with a rather messy life.

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt