Chapter 29~

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Ali's POV

I dodge Pitts and holes in the sand as I'm running after Cam still keeping all my attention focused on him.

I brush past little kids, I can feel the sand becoming more moist every step I take.

I look up to find splashes going everywhere, Cam's running into the water still running from you.

I've completely forgotten the whole point of this, not to get wet.

Oblivious to the fact I'm still running, I carry on until I'm in knee depth standing in the ocean staring right in the eyes at him.

"Eres un estupida Chico, yo odio usted puta" Before I actually realise I start cussing and yelling at him in Spanish.

The only time I do it is when I'm extremely pissed off, usually at Tom back in London.

I stop panting, out of breathe staring at Cam. His lips playing a smirk looking completely shocked.

"Wow, you just went from a hot, yelling Ali to a sexy, Spanish very hot yelling Ali. You're so hot when you're mad, especially when you swear in Spanish" I stare at him, I'm tempting myself from bursting out laughing.

I put my hands by my side, I can feel the water tingling my fingertips.

"I do it a lot at home, I guess it's become a habit. Besides the point, why do you have to be a teasing captain douche fuckboy?" I stare down into the depth of the sea.

"I know I teased, that was for flirting with Johnson" He's my damn boyfriend, what does he expect?

Me to be in complete isolation and refrained from seeing him? That's not how relationships work mate, especially since he's got his slut as a girlfriend.

"Well maybe you should go and visit your slut sunbathing on the sand. Ps: she has sun cream on so the sand'll stick to her skin" I fold my arms giving him a 'I don't give a fuck' look.

"We both know how she is, and you're fine as hell-" He's going to start again, better shut him up before he thinks of a million excuses.

"Save your breathe" I take a step forward pressing my finger lighting on his plump lips.

I looks down at it, like it's the best thing he's ever seen. You know when a guy gives you that certain look? Well Cams doing that to my finger.

"What did you say to me, in Spanish?" I can feel his eyes slowly drawing me closer, some sort of burning desire to want me.

"I said that you are a stupid boy, and I hate you bitch" Instead of looking insulted he smirks and starts to laugh.

"I'm surprised it took me this long to start swearing and yelling at you In Spanish" I roll my eyes reaching for my sun glasses.

Wait they're not on my head, at all. I frantically start searching, scanning all areas of the water.

They must be here somewhere, I had them before I came running after captain douche.

"What you looking for?" Cam looks at me, then around the space.

"My sun glasses- they were right here, now they're gone" I spin around and do a 360 degree turn, still not here.

The only other place they could be is underneath the surface of the water. Here goes nothing...

I plunge my head under the water, taking my breathe away. I open my squinted eyes open to see Cam also under the water.

Although it's completely blurry, I can see the outline of his face clearly.
His hands drift up to my cheeks pulling me in closer. I'm completely unprepared for what's about to happen.

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang