Chapter 3~

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Cam's POV

"Okay go and order our pizzas Cammy whammy" Nash said pushing me forward from the entrance.

I basically lost a bet, that I could beat Shawn to an arm wrestle.

Turns out that I lost, only because I wasn't ready. He didn't tell me when to start, so naturally I had no clue when to start. Now I have to order ALL of Magcons pizza's, just me on my own.

"Okay, okay I'm going" I Crain my neck to look at the guys, all of them sniggering including Mahogany.

Crash... Before I realised I had crashed to the ground and fallen into someone. Now I realise why the were all laughing at me, for plainly two reasons.

My eyes travelled up to who I had bumped into; She was a beautiful girl, with glossy brown hair and Aqua green eyes she also looked up at me.

She had freckles all up her nose and cheek bones it was so cute. Dimples sunk in either side of her cheeks, she was the most beautiful girl I've seen...

(Skip their rather heated conversation)

Wow she was pretty sassy, she now hated me after our very long conversation. I was in the right, I am famous after all. But I made a complete ass of myself in front of her, I don't even know her name.
"Bye..." I said to her as she walked over to her table in the corner

"Well done Cam, you just made out your a fuckboy in front of a hot girl" Taylor jolted me on the back laughing with Carter.

"Well I am famous you know, more than you guys" I say laughing and rolling my eyes.
"Yeah but you've gotta play it cool dude around a girl at first. This proves you haven't been with a girl for sooooooo long" Nash said putting his arm round my back...

Ali's POV

"What was all that about?" Keira asked as I sat back down. I put the pizza boxes on the table opening mine up. The smell of melted cheese wafted my nose, I think I have a weakness for pizza.

"Oh nothing, just some famous asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else" I roll my eyes at the second thought of our conversation. He's such a... ughhhh.... how can a girl like such a self absorbed guy? Only the lord can understand desperate girls these days.

"Wow, and I thought he's cute, I think he is pretty fit" I look up at her, I'm so confused. Did she just say she likes him?

"Wow... he may look cute, but he's not in the inside. I'll probably never see him again" I look over and see Zara talking to Nash (I've seen a few of his vines before) he look really interested in her, after all why wouldn't he be?

After they had finished talking I saw that her and Penny were coming over to us at last. My eyes linger upon Cam and his friends, he's staring at me none of his friends. Just him, his friends are ordering it looks away.

"Awww Zara, you and Nash look so cute together" I nudge her arm as she sits down beside me.

"Maybe... Nash is really really nice. At least I gave him a chance, unlike someone here" She coughs looking over at me, it's not my fault I don't like him.

"It's not my fault he's such a selfish fuckboy" I raise my arms innocently in the air smirking...

Ahhhh the pizza was so good, I could do it all over again!

"Should we go to the bowling alley now?" Penny asked us looking over at the boys; who by the way were now sitting down at a table talking to some fans.

"Yeah, we can walk it's like 2 minutes away from here" Keira suggested closing her pizza box.

"Do we really have to walk? Can't we just drive?" Zara whined sulking.

"No, it'll do us good getting fit anyways" Penny protests...

Me and Zara whine and moan all the way there, complains how we should of bought the car.

"Oh look we're here now" I say beaming with anticipation. I skip in there alongside Zara, and we get the bowling shoes for us...

"Strikeeeee" Keira shouts cheering herself on.

"Yeah, well I can do better you know" I say sarkily  laughing at her playfully.
I grabbed a green bowling ball and hit it rolled rapidly done the track.
It hit every skittle down, so that meant a...

"STRIKE" I yell at the top of my lungs sniggering at Keira.
I heard some claps behind me... I spin round to see Cameron standing there with the worlds biggest smirk wiped across his face.

"Wow... what a surprise, you just wouldn't keep away from me could you?" I say in a playful manor smiling sarcastically.

I'm all about the sarcasm here, that's my life pretty much.

"Yeah well you could keep away from me, 'bumping into me', you are hot but I have a feeling you like me more than you show Ali" He did the weird lip thingy, it was kinda cut-

I just stare at him in disbelief, did he really just say that. And what the...
"How do you know my name? I made sure I didn't tell you for this exact reason" My mouth is gaping open like a Venus fly trap...

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz