Chapter 21~

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Ali's POV

Brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Johnson left him alone with that whore, although I don't particularly care.

Well I'm up and walking, so there's no point in going back now.

I believe that it's the room at the end, well that's the only room I'm looking at.

Ahhhh, okay here it is. I levitate the door so I can look at the proper view, which looks like...

Cameron and Madeline kissing. Wow, how ironic. Hot tears start to fill my eyes, trickling down my cheeks.

My mascara is probably running down my cheeks as well, my stomach lurches.

"Wow Cam, you didn't even have the decency to act like you loved me" Madeline is grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland.

"No- Ali... it's really not what it looks li-" Cam stutters ignoring Madeline.
"Oh no, save your oxygen. You don't want to waste it on someone like me" With that I turn around, and start walking to the door.

You can't trust him, can you?
I bat away my thought, mixed emotions boiling inside me.

His hand grasps my arm, his touch now burned my flesh.
"Get you asshole hands off me, leave me alone, you cheating, betraying dooche bag"

I'm running to anywhere away from them, a push past drunk people and outside into the fresh air.

This is exactly the reason I didn't want anyone to be in my life. For the to turn around and literally (metaphorically) stab me in the heart.

You know, why am I surprised? I knew he was a huge and complete fuckboy from the first time I saw him.

The door creeped open, I could faintly hear the music blaring in the background again.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asks as they sit next to me. I rub me eyes so my vision isn't blurry, I look and see Matt sitting next to me.

"You know I was actually starting to believe that he liked me, he's a great actor you know" I sigh watching the cars drive past.

"He really did and still likes you Ali, what exactly happened?" Matt placed his hand on my hand, he's one of the best guy friends I've had.

"He was kissing Madeline, I'm not elaborating or anything" Matts a sweet guy, but we're nothing more than friends or anything.

"True we all hate her, but what about Cam's side of the story?"...

Cams POV

This is really uncomfortable and awkward, I'm going back to Ali.

I get up, but she starts tugging on my arm. This is why I don't like needy girls, they're too clingy. Ali's like pretty much perfect.

"Don't go Cameron, I need to talk to you. Urgently" She wines still pulling on my arm.

"Whatever, you better make it quick" I give into her, and reluctantly sit down.

"Hurry u-" Before I can finish the sentence, she lowkey crashes her lips against mine.

Ewwww, she's really not a good kisser; well not as good as Ali anyways. I push her shoulders to stop kissing her, just to clarify I didn't kiss back.

I give her a look of shock and disgust, I turn to the doorway and see Ali propped up against the door.

Tears welling up in her green eyes, it's almost Madeline knew that she was going to walk in.

I love Ali, I really do. She's the first proper kind of relationship I've had. Okay I admit it, I've fucked other girls before.

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang