Chapter 26~

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Ali's POV

Did I mention what a wimp Cam was being back on the ride?

Yeah I think I did actually, but with the fan okay that really pissed me off.
What are you some couple now?

No, ewwww, no. But doesn't he deserve a little payback? Well why not? I mean I have a, boyfriend I hate to say the word.

"Hey baby, how was it" I interlaced put hands and honestly it feels really weird.

"It was great babe" He smiled and pecked me on the cheek. My eyes travel back to Cam who is half talking to Aaron and half looking at me.

He looks gravely towards Johnson, he's too busy loving me to care about what Cam's thinking.

He let's go of my hand and hugs my waist. I think most boys like spooning to be honest.

Cam looks so jealous and angry, I bet he won't me talking to Johnson for a week.

"Can we do something productive tonight?" I gaze around the hotel once again, I don't think I can every get my head round the fact I'm really here.

"What like watching mould grow?" Zara retorts at Pen, cheesy jokes. My dad was always the best at them, I've acquired the talent from him.

Why am I thinking of the most random of things? It just popped in my head I suppose.

"Guys I've got a joke" I turn to face all of them, they're all staring at me. I cup my face trying to hide my blushing cheeks, ughhh I hate them.

"Hit me with it" Aaron says, he's actually really shy. But I can't complain as he's better than Cam.

"What happened to your eyebrows?" Aaron is giving me the 'I don't know and don't give a fuck' face.

"I have no idea" He has a perplexing expression.
"They flew off in the roller coaster" I burst out laughing, Zara and Keira join me.

"You girls are crazy" Nash smiles and rolls his eyes at us.
"Maybe you need some water for that dry sense of humour" Everyone starts oing.

"Enough of the bad jokes, meet in my room, 9pm sharp" Taylor says leaning against the bottom of the staircase.

"Why are you trying to kill us when we come?" Matt crosses eye context with me, he gives a devilish smirk.

"Shut up, just meet in my room; number 247" Taylor begins to climb the stair case.

"Babe, I'm gunna talk with Gilinsky for a bit. Meet you in about an hour and a half?" Johnson hugs from behind me again.

"Yeah that's okay, I'll have one of the girls over" I peck him on the cheek before he lets go and waves.

I'm a way I'm sort of glad he's going for a bit, now I have space to think. Think about what I really don't know, Cam?

Shhh, no he's irrelevant.
"Looks like your so- called boyfriend is leaving you. Well I could come over for a bit" A husky voice whispers in my ear.

I can tell it's Cameron, the fact that he's straddling my waist give it away.
"Go away asshole, and no you can not come in my room" I smack his hand before beginning to walk the staircase.

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