Chapter 19~

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Ali's POV

"May I ask, where are Zara and that are" For all I know they could've vanished to planet mars.

"They've gone to get ready I think" Cam is plonked on the bed, honestly though.

"You're soooooo needy" I chuckle walking over to my suitcase. I unzip it and crouch on the floor so I can start to unpack.

Clothes one side, the rest the other. I take my toiletries bag and place it on the dressing table with this huge mirror.

I take out a photo of me and dad, i miss him way more than I show.

"Who is that?" Cam points to the picture, I keep unpacking my bag.

"I've already told you, it's my dad" He forgets everything almost. He's probably forgotten every chicks name he's fucked.

"Of course, where is he?" He asks rolling over to face me properly.

"He's... he's dead Cam" I bite my lip hard, fuck this is so hard.

I'm not your typical white girl, I don't cry at very much. Sometimes however, I need to.

"Ali, are you okay?" Now he is like the nice, caring considerate Cam. I could get used to this actually.

"Yep, I'm all good boi" I can try to make any sad situation funny.
"I mean I can take a shower with yo-" Anddddd, we're back to the normal fuckboy Cam.

"For 5 seconds we had the nice Cam, now we're back to the fuckboy, asshole-ish Cam" I glance over at him, he's smirking once again.

"What?! It's true, if you ever want to..." He gets up and I can tell, by the reflection of the mirror, that he is standing directly behind me.

"I'll pass thanks" I scoff rolling my eyes, I'm surprised that my eyes haven't fallen out already the amount of times I've rolled them.

Someone's warm arms wrap round me, wait obviously they're Cams.

"I really need to get changed now, we're going to be late now" Note the sarcasm people, I walk over to the bathroom.

"Can't you get changed out here?" Cam follows after me.

"Nope, you'll never see me in my undergarments Cam" I close the bathroom door behind me, wow this is a massive bathroom.

"Aghhh, you drive me nuts" He shouts as I silently cackle to myself. I put my clothes near the sink, and rest my shoes on the floor.

I take my shoes off, my jeans and jumper. I have my best Victoria's Secret undergarments, so I quickly slip them on, as well as my oversized cropped jumper and ripped shorts.

I have this really nice green cropped jumper, I think it was a trip shopping with Keira once.

I plonk on the floor, to attempt to put my shoes on. I spring up, okay jump up rather.

What to do with my hair? I'm hungry, don't care and most of all not trying to impress anyone.

I mess it up, literally running my fingers through it that's all. I pick up my old, but comfy clothes.

Imagine if I like burned them or something? What a savage I would be!!

I unlock the door to find Cam sprawled across the bed, damn he's needy as fuck.

My stomach growls, I've essentially forgotten how hungry I am. I could eat anything, okay that's going a big too far my friend.

"You look beautiful, let's get you some food" I throw my stuff on the floor, and grab my phone and the hotel key.

Chasing Ali (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz