Chapter 5~

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Cams POV

"Awww Ali, stop kissing my cheek-" I open one eye to find Jaxx slobbering all over my face with his tongue.

And there's me thinking that it's Ali, nope it's just my dog Jaxx.

Now I remember what happened last night, oh and I'm going on a date with her tonight.

Okay it's not exactly a date to be honest, but as close as I'm going to get it.

However I do like a girl that's plays hard to get, otherwise it's wayyyyyyy too easy. She just falls for you without thinking through anything she does, however Ali is the complete opposite.

Jaxx is on the floor making his puppy dog eyes at me, he wants attention. I run behind his ears before heading into the bathroom to take a shower...

Ali's POV

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. My alarm sets off at 8:00. Oh fuck, I forgot to turn it off seen as it's the holidays.

I whack it looking up at the ceiling once again, and the memories of last night come flooding back.

Ohhhhh, and the date with Cam tonight; great! Wait it's not a date, why do I keep calling it that?

I grab my phone to comfort my terrible thoughts. Oooo, I have a text, and it appears to be from Zara:

Hey Ali,
Cams probably already texted you, wondered if your still coming? For me :) Anyways it's 7pm at the local Italian restaurant,
Zara xx

Well, I guess I'm going anyways even if I didn't wanna go or made up some excuse Zara would find a way to MAKE me go.

I reply to her, rather forceful but not text.

And yes the asshole has been texting me all night practically; I'll come but for you, you see I'm a nice friend (and you owe me one)
Ali xox

I put my phone back on my bedside table lifting the sheets off me. I'm starving, I need some food or I'll die (yep see the exaduration there my friends)

I climb out of bed, and skip down the stairs like a six year old child on Christmas Day.

Hmm... so many choices, however one of those people who make unhealthy choices in everything I eat.
Even when I'm 'supposed' to be on a diet, which by the way doesn't last for more than 2 hours.

Bacon! My best friend that NEVER lets me down, let's fryyyy some bacon.

I take the unopened pack from the fridge, as well as the bread from the basket. Yep we're one of those traditional families, typical bread basket.

I don't need to go into much detail on how to fry bacon, but it smells and sounds truly amazing.

The rashes are laid on the pan sizzling and cooking in their won dwelling fat.
The bread was already buttered and all that was left was to arrange the bacon onto the bacon.

Ping! My phone pinged from the side of the table. Who's texted me at this time?

I open my phone to find a text from Penny:

Heyyy Ali,
So I figured you'd need help getting ready, I'll be over at yours in 5
P xx

Wait what? YOU says I need help getting dressed? (Only when I'm going on a special date)

Ohhhhhh, that's why she wants to come over, she thinks it's like a proper date. Why the heck does everyone think it is?

It's not for the love of the lord, I'm not in love or falling for Cameron Dallas?!

Sheesh. I sit down on the stool and take a bit from my enticing sandwich.

*knock, knock*

The door is being knocked, I'm guessing It's essentially Penny.
I get up and open the door revealing Penny standing in the rain with bags in each hand smiling broadly.

"Hi?" I say raising an eyebrow at her.
"Hey, I bought some clothes and makeup for you too" She smiles again barging past me and into the house.

"Penny this isn't a date at all, okay?" I close the door behind her turning to face her.

"Yeah and Mars isn't a planet, besides I need to help you as your best friend" She grabs my arm taking me up the stairs to my room.

"I wanna finish my bacon sandwich first" I complain sitting on my desk hair as she arranges everything on the bed...

"Finished" She puts the lid back on the lipstick standing in front of me smiling at her work.

"You took your time there" I say looking up at her. She looks pleased with what she's created, preferably my face.

I stand up from the chair and look in my mirror hung on my wall. Times like this I'm really grateful for it, it was a present from Tom.

I step forward a little closer to see my makeup, she did some gold eye shadow which really complicated my green eyes.

"Wow..." I look at my hair as well, it was a plait which cascaded down my head with other bits which were curled.

"Do you like?" she asked me packing up her boxes.

"I... loveeeeeeeeee it, thank you soooo much" I look back in the mirror once again and see how amazing her work is.

"Your the neatest friend everrrr" I clap my hands together beaming at her.

"I'm glad I could help"she smiled at me sitting back on the bed.

Beep. The beep sounded like a car, a smiler sound to Zara's.

"That's Zara, gotta go" I smiled and waved at her grabbing my bag from my chair.

"Good luck" I hear her say before I rush out the door...

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