Chapter 30~

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Cam's POV

"Remember, back in 2 guys" Aaron is yelling at the top of his lungs, reminding us once again.

I've never slept over night on a beach before, or have a campfire. Just thinking about it makes it really cozy.

The thought of toasted marshmallows and squishing smores together. And Ali, staring at Ali and more Ali.

"Let's go babe" Maddie starts to pull my arm up the stairs, I think she's caught me staring at Ali.

"I-" I begin but she soon cuts me off.
"Come on, I wanna get in the shower, plus I need to start on my makeup" Oh god here we go again.

Is it possible for any prefect normal girl to cake this much makeup on her face? Honesty, I'm surprised it doesn't permanently stay on there.

Could she be any more controlling, I mean don't get me wrong I love Ali doing it. It's the tension with Maddie that I don't really like.

She's dragging me up the stairs, my feet trailing behind with the rest of my body. I feel like a zombie that has control of the dead corpse.

Ideally in the dead corpse, being dragged by a human.
We turn left, wait no right. I don't even know my left from rights anymore.

I wriggle out of her grasp and take the key from my wet swimming shorts, twisting the key into the lock.

I burst inside, escaping from her sight. First thing, she takes a white towel and head into the bathroom locking it behind her.

"Babe I'm gunna take a long shower, well every shower I have is long. You can stay till' I'm done or hop in with me?" She calls from the bathroom flicking the water on.

It gushes down the drain, in seconds.
"Um... no thanks, I'm gunna go to Nash" That's a lie, I'm not seeing Nash.

Although I might, on the way back.
I'm going to visit... actually you can guess.

Yep Ali, just to see her sexy smile and beautiful eyes.
"Okay, have fun" She replies, she's mumbling a song tune to herself.

I take the white towel and close the door behind me; skipping down the corridor on my way to Ali's...

Ali's POV

Do you ever concentrate and realise how clumsy you really are?
I remember when I was little, backed up, hit a bin and ended up in it.

In the space of seconds, how?!
I also got my tongue stuck in a pack of calliopes during a family trip to the supermarket.

Well, that sums up my life in clumsy words really.
"Babe, I'm gunna go downstairs to the lobby to FaceTime my mom... it has better connection there"

Johnson says picking his phone up, pecking me on my left cheek sliding how shirt on.

"Okay cool, tell her I said hi!" I smile before he gives a short wave closing the door behind him.

Right, now I can have a shower.
I pick up a white towel and head into the bathroom putting the towel onto the toilet seat.

Damn, I slay actually. I take out both hair bobbles and undo the plaits, both of them.

I shake my dark hair a little, it's gone back to being extremely curly again. Brilliant.

I switch my phone on, I have a text from Em:
Hey Ali,
Hope you're having fun with Cam, seen as you never replied I assumed you were! Hope we can see soon :)
Em xxx

Oh she's such a bitch sometimes, I don't know what her problem is. She's OBSESSED with me and Cam being together, ever since she met him in the supermarket.

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