Chapter 2~

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To be honest It was a short journey to the pizza place, it was around 5:37 when we arrived. There was a lot of traffic like Zara said, what a smart little girl she is...

"Do you think the others have arrived yet?" I ask shutting the door behind me as I clamber out of the car. Zara shrugs her shoulders locking the car and coming from behind me to stand next to me.

The car park was pretty much packed, there are only around 3 spaces left in the whole car park. I wonder if some sort of celebrity is here or something, don't be stupid Ali what kind of famous person would wanna come here? They'd be out of their mind if they did!

"Ali, Zara" I turn around to see Penny and Keira walking towards us. They both look stunning, Penny in a tight burgundy dress with heals and Keira wearing a cute jump suit.

"We were just wondering where you were" Zara says smiling at them showing her pearly white teeth.
"Who's ready for some pizza?" Keira cheers throwing her arms up in the air like a crazy person. Haha, she's making me snigger inside real hard.

We walk into to dominos, it's quite busy but not too bad.

"Let's get that booth over there" Keira points out to me pointing at a small booth in the corner of the restaurant. She links arms with me and we skip like little kids until we both slot inside.

"Lets order some food cause I'm dying inside" I complain taking a couple of napkins for the box.
"What do you want Ali?" Zara asks me looking at me.

"Um... Margarita with extra cheese and garlic sauce please, your such a babe Zara" I smile closing my eyes for a split second.

"Huh, I figured that a while ago honey; a bit late there" She winks at me smiling sarcastically.
"Can I have the meat feast pizza please?" Keira says interrupting our little fest of banta. Zara nods her head and goes to order with Penny.

"I can't work you out Alison Meraline" Keira chuckles from opposite me, she snakes her lips together spreading it along her lips more.
"What do you mean K?" I ask her confused by her statement.
"I'm a basic bitch, you should understand me by now Keira Brooks" I tut placing my napkins on the table.

"No but your like sassy one minute, and then your etiquette and have manners the next. It's amazing how you change woman, how? And your eyes are so... dreamy and bright green" She sighs looking at me.

"Uno, thank you puta. Dos, I don't have a clue, I guess it's just me that can do it. Hahaha, and my dad had green eyes I've told you this before" In 2 and a half weeks it's his anniversary, I shift uncomfortably on the seat.

"Ali" I look up to see Zara calling me over. I get out of the booth and excitedly hurry over to them.
"Here are your and Keira's pizzas" She says handing me two boxes. They smell incredible, I love the smell of pizza, since it's wafting through the box anyways.

I look at the writing on the box stacked on top, i never knew they wrote the names on them. Huh, and I thought they only did that in Starbucks.

Before I could acknowledge anymore about what I was just thinking I had bumped into someone. I crashed to the ground, my head  thumping a little. I slowly raise my head to look up at the poor victim of my clumsy actions.

it's Cameron fucking Dallas sitting there staring at me. The first time I ever meet a celebrity I bump into them with a box of pizza. "I'm I'm so sorry" those are the only words I can muster, my mouth lost for words...

"Oh don't worry about it, it happens all of the time" He laughs before jumping to his feet. Wow he's so calm and collective about the fact some dorky girl had just bumped into him. He offers me his hand to help me up from the awkward position on the floor.

"Haha, I this quite often as well, just bump into random people" I take his hand staring at him In the eyes. He stares back at me blushing, wow his smile is pretty amazing.

Ali you sound like a fangirl now, he's just a normal guy and treat him like that.

"Your accent is cute, I like British accents" He does his cute smile. I blush immensely turning a crimson red, I look like a fricking tomato.

"Why thank you. I like American accents as well, England is boring"I say looking away. He bites his lip still staring at me. "Yeah, but you seem interesting, what's your name?" He smiles at me blushing;

"My name is... wait why should I tell you?" I say quickly glancing up at him. "Cause i'd like to know? And I'm Cameron Dallas of course" He boasts, I think he thinks he's better than everyone else just because he's famous. "Just cause your famous you think you can get any girl? Wow what a fuckboy" I roll my eyes looking at the floor.

"Actually I'm not a fuckboy, and yeah most girls want me" Cam says looking In my eyes.

"Wow, good luck asshole" before I realised we were causing a commotion in the middle of the restaurant.

"Well I have to go, good luck with getting every girl by the way" with that I turn my back and start walking away.

"Bye..." I hear cam say before some of his friends come up to him... what a asshole.

My heart was pounding, any fan would give everything to be in my shoes right now... Cameron the Dallas the new American fuckboy...

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