The deal.

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"Heath where do I sleep?" I asked when I came out the bathroom in one of the sleep gowns Heath had bought for me.

"Here." He replied simply patting the half of the bed next to him.

"Huh, no." I exclaimed, looking at him as if he was an idiot.

"Why, we are getting married?" He replied raising an eye brow like he usually did.

"Still, I want my own bed!!" I demanded.

"Well you are certainly getting into the rich girl attitude. But you can't, there is only this bed in the apartment." He winked amused.

"Fine, but my side is my side, don't cross it." I told him sternly.

"Okay." He replied trying not to laugh.

I climbed into bed and I laid so I was nearly falling off, this was rediculas, I couldn't sleep.


I was so amused, her reaction was priceless! I tried to contain my laughter as she climbed into our bed so she would fall of if she moved even the slightest.

As I began to drift to sleep I heard Eve sigh.

"Heath, are you awake?" She whispered incase I wasn't.

"Yea, why?" I replied sitting up slightly.

"I can't sleep, so I wondered if you wanted to talk?" She told me sitting up to meet my eyes.

"Yea, sure, if it helps you sleep." I answered meeting her sparkling green eyes in the dark.

"Thanks." She whispered smiling slightly.

"So what you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"How about, why you are marrying me when you barely know me?" She asked, I froze not knowing what to say.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I think I deserve to know." She replied her voice louder than a whisper now.

"Your right so I will tell you, I want to marry you because I love you." I lied.

"Your lying Heath, you do not love me..." She replied a sad whisper.

"You can't know that, look please I think this conversation is over, goodnight." I huffed laying down again. Silence followed so I assumed she had given up, until she hit he with her cushion.

"Don't leave me in the dark Heath!!! I will know! Whether you tell me, or someone else!!." She cried angrily. "I just wish you was the one to hurt me, not someone else." She cried a little quieter.

I wanted to reply but I couldn't so I stayed quiet and fell asleep, my last image was her green mossy eyes.

****next day****


"Eve, wake up. Wake up!" I jumped up so see a the same pair of shiny blue eyes staring warmly at me.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Breakfast, then you need to decide what you want to do today so get up." Heath replied pulling the covers away from me.

"Hey!! Don't do that!!" I yelled at him, because my sleeping gown was a mess showing most of my thy off.

"Don't worry your my fiancé." He chuckled winking at me, before leaving me to get ready.

I moaned and rolled out of bed. Then shuffled into the bathroom.


Once I was dressed in a pair of denim jeans and a green wooly jumper, I walked out and into the kitchen where Heath was sat eating our full cooked breakfast.

"Hey Eve, ready for today?" He asked looking up at me dazzling me with a smile.

"What about it?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Have you decided what you would like to do today?" He said pushing a plate of warm bacon and sausages to me.

" I have no idea." I sighed.

"Well what have you always wanted to do?"

"I don't know, why can't we just go for a car ride have a meal and come back here. I'm tired and want to relax." I told him smiling hopefully.

"Sure, sounds great." He replied standing up suddenly and walking away leaving me confused and also worried about how enthusiastic Heath had been of my idea.

I looked down at the plate of food, I ate one sausage and one piece of bacon leaving the rest, so I could follow Heath to where ever he had gone.

"Okay, Cal is on his way, so get a jacket and some shoes." Heath called from our bed room.

"Yea, okay." I replied walking into the walk in wardrobe and grabbing some black wedged boots and a denim jacket.

After we were ready we walked down to the reception to wait for our car.

"I just need to go and book room cleaning be back in a min, if Cal comes just wait with him." Heath said walking back into the building.

I waited for Cal to arrive, eventually I got bored and started fiddling with the buttons on my denim jacket.

"Eve!" I heard a voice call, I looked up to see Cal waiting in the car calling to me out the window.

I smiled and ran to the car.

"Hello Cal." I smiled.

"Hello Eve, how are you?" he asked smiling gently back.

"Curious...." I stated. "why is Heath marrying me? Your his best friend you must know." I added shrugging.

"I'm just his driver." he relied instantly.

"Basically his friend." I replied sharply.

"He doesn't tell me his private business Eve." he started to look nervous.

"Tell me, or I will refuse to marry Heath, and tell him you told me not to." I told him sternly.

"No! Please Eve don't, I will tell you but you must promise to marry Heath and not tell him I told you." he cried.

"Spill." I snapped.

"Okay, Heath as you know is very rich, but a few weeks ago his father told him if he didn't marry in 5 weeks he would loose his money." he breathed in looking nervously at me. "Heath ignored his fathers threats, but last week his dad asked him if he had married. Heath said no, so his father took his money to show he was serious. Heath was looking round and saw you, felt you was the right one, and now your here." He explained, but he was hiding something I could see in the way he was fidgeting.

"There's more Cal. Tell me." I demanded.

"What? No I swear that's all there is too it, he didn't think you would marry him so he offered all the money and education to you to make you say yes. That's all I promise!" He said wide eyed.

I instantly saw he was telling the truth so I accepted what he had told me and flopped back into my seat and clicked my seat belt on.

"Thanks Cal." I grumbled, just as Heath opened the car door and sat down angrily.

"What's wrong Heath?" Cal asked turning to the wheel.

"Nothing, if I explain I will blow. My fiancé doesn't need to see that." He chuckled humourlessly.

Fiancé, I wanted to puke, he was only marrying me because he wanted his money. Dick. I couldn't believe I was marrying him.

Once again I hated Heath.


The car felt awkward and tense, something was wrong. Had Cal and Eve been talking, had they got I a fight? I looked at Eve's fierce green eyes shooting death stares at anything that passed the car. She looked scary, really scary.

Seeing me looking she twisted in her seat to face me.

"Can I help you, Heath?" She shot at me.

"No, you just looked upset about something." I replied gulping at her venomous stare.

"Not upset, Heath. You wouldn't understand." She snapped sarcastically, before whirling around to give a pigeon a death stare.

While she continued to shoot lasers at everything, I watched Cal, he looked stiff, and a little worried.

Something had happened between them.

I needed to know what it was....

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