Black Veil Brides-Love at First Sight...

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My name is Ramonica, all my friends call me Ray. I'm 16 years old and i love anything metal, rock, hardcore etc. favorite band? Black Veil Brides! I have brown eyes and my hair is black and goes just below my shoulder.

Lets get started on my story...

"Oh, sorry." I said as i looked up to the person i bumped into at my very first Black Veil Brides concert.

"Its ok, it was my fault anyways." The deepest, most soothing voice replied to me, i looked up only to see Andy Biersack; the most amazing person in the world, lead singer of Black Veil Brides!!!

"Oh my god! Hi Andy, i'm Ramonica, everyone just calls me Ray..." I blurted out, nervously.

"Good to meet you Ray." He said, smiling gently.

"You were really great tonight, this is the first concert i have ever been to, and im so glad it was yours." I beamed at him.

He laughed and said thanks, before we were interupted by Ashley, BVB's bassist, coming over to see why Andy was taking so long.

"Hey Andy," He came over, saw me and smiled. "Hi there, you're pretty cute, i'm Ashley." He said, i felt myself blushing and i got really shy.

Ray, get a grip, you're with Andy and Ashley for fuck's sake...

"Hey, its great to meet you." I said to him. "I just moved here, and i'm not looking forward to my new school..." I looked down.

"Really? Which school is that?" Ashley asked me.

"Ridgeway, i'm kinda nervous, I hate starting new schools, i'm always hated because of how i dress, and the music i listen to, most of which is you guys..." I said, blushing again.

"We go to ridgeway too! I look foward to seeing you there, its about time we had someone decent start school." Andy laughed and grinned at me.

Oh my god, i'm going to the same  school as Black Veil Brides! Andy was so much cuter in person as well...

"Great, i'll see you guys there." I acted as cool as possible, and desperetly tried not to look stupid, i think i pulled it off... "I look forward to seeing you back on stage in a few minutes."

Ashley took my phone off of me, which was in my hand at the time, he typed in few digits and i saw it was a phone number, and then another one, It was his and Andy's!

"Guys we are due on stage in ten minutes! Oh... Who's this pretty little creature then?" CC said, he came over with Jinxx and Jake and my life was complete...

"This is Ramonica, Ray, I mean, if you dont mind? Shes starting Ridgeway soon." Andy said as he looked at me, i smiled and nodded.

"Hey, i'm Jinxx." Jinxx said and i shook his hand. i was never going to wash it again...


"Hey Jinxx," I said smiling... again... "And Jake, and CC." i looked at them as i said their names.

"Wow, i love having fans." CC said grinning widley.

"Anyways we have to go and set everything back up, so we will see you at school?" Ashley asked, looking at his phone.

"Kk, see ya guys, I'm starting on Monday, but i got to go shopping, so maybe i can see you at the mall?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, i need to get some stuff anyways." Ashley said as he gave me a hug.

Yay!!!! Hugs from everyone!!!

"Later guys!!!" I shouted after them and they waved back at me.

Love at First Sight... [Andy Biersack Book One]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon