Woah! 😳🙈

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When me and Chris arrive at the clearing we see aloud of different huge objects like baths, bikes and a bloody canoe! We walk up to the shack and I read out the note/riddle thing. 'Behind this door you'll find the money. The door is locked, which isn't funny. But down the hill, you'll find the keys. Attached to keyring novelties.' Are you actually having a laugh. 'Chris look...' I point down to the pile of 'key rings' and laugh. 'Wow.' Is literally all he can say in that moment. 'How big are the keys if these are the key rings!?' I say laughing at my own little joke like a sad weirdo.

--Catherine Side Moment--

'I mean who's key rings are these Peter Crouch's!!? This is a joke! Seriously this is absolutely ridiculous, I'm a tiny little woman!' I say giggling slightly.

'But we can't bring up the, the boat.' 'No I think that is exactly what is being asked of us!' 'No.' 'Yes.' 'Hold on a minute.' Chris says as he goes to read the note again, realising what we've got to do and I burst out laughing again. 'Attached to keyring novelties. I mean there's nothing novel about a canoe though.' I say pointing to the note then to the canoe at the bottom of the hill. 'But a canoe is too heavy! I mean this kind of gradient is urmm...' 'I'm hearing a lot of excuses here Chris.' I say jokingly and he smiles. 'No it's not that, I'm strong but I'm not that strong I mean that's a canoe!' He says and I start laughing again. We then do the challenge and start to have to bring all the different 'key rings' up the hill. Filling the canoe with different things to try then dragging it up.

-- Catherine Side Moment--

'Dragging a canoe up a hill in the jungle with Chris Eubank. Ticked off my bucket list!' I say still laughing a lot.

After a while we eventually unlock all three padlocks and I grab the dingo dollars quickly so we can get straight to Kiosk Keith to see what snacks there is! When we get to the outback shack I am absolutely buzzing! We choose chocolate chip cookies over chocolate brownies and go right up to the counter. 'Alright Keith lovin' the tash! I'll have some chocolate chip cookies please...And your phone number.' I whisper the last part and both me and Chris laugh we wait as he asks the question and I'd like to hope the camp get it right but we get the door slammed right in our faces. 'Well shit Chris, they got it wrong!' I say and we start to head back to camp. 'They're back!' I hear George and Jorgie shout as me and Chris near the camp. 'Which one did you guys say?' I ask as we get back into camp, 'We said the lower one,' Tony says hopefully. 'Well it was 24% then!' I say shocked that almost a quarter of people with partners would want them to change or to look better. 'What the hell!?' Vicky says and everyone else looks a bit shocked too. 'You don't even wanna know what the choices were!' I say and everyone groans, asking me what they could've had. 'It was either chocolate chip cookies...' 'NOOO!' 'Or chocolate brownies!' 'OH NOOOO!!!' Everyone groans in anger and frustration as I go straight to my hammock to put my stuff down before I go and have a shower. After my ice shower, Duncan and Yvette cook us a lovely omelette that tasted amazing!! Even after Brian had left the food tastes alright!! Then the next morning Ant and Dec came into camp to tell us who was going home today. 'Duncan and Yvette the next person leaving I'm a Celebrity 2015 is... Yvette!' Dec says as they scurry off after that and Yvette cheers loudly! 'Oh my gosh finally Yvette I'm so happy for you!!' I say as I pull her straight into huge hug before she heads off to the bridge and we all wave her off from the clearing. 'And then there were 10!' Tony says as we all start heading back to camp, but I'm still really confused how I even got through the first three evictions, I doubt many people back home even have a clue who I am!!! Jorgie starts to cry a little as we watch Yvette leave as she says she wanted to go but I just pulled her into massive hug, closely followed by George too as we've both been like that ourselves. 'Awe come on Jorg we'll be fine together we can both just try and piss Ferne off, I think she likes George too and she's like trying to compete with me for him or something and it's starting to piss us off but I need your help.' I say as soon as we are alone, laughing slightly as her eyes shoot straight up to mine at my pretty much confession of liking George. 'Okay, and yeah she told me she likes him too.' She says innocently and I just raise my eyebrows. 'And you didn't tell me because!?' I winked at her to make her know I'm not mad, I know I'm supposed to be her mate and all but, she really pisses me off sometimes.' She whispers quietly as I nod, agreeing. 'I'm just gonna sneakily only talk about you and George when I'm near her.' She says then happily skips off back to camp again, it's amazing how quickly a little bitch about someone can cheer a person up.

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