Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to a new story! I'm so happy to start a new project and I'm already loving this story and the possibility it has. I hope you all enjoy the first chapter and stay for this journey. Have fun ~♡

In an old cabin in Texas lived a old man. He live a quiet, peaceful, secluded life, that is until his daughter decided to drop of her kids.

Alfred, a sunflower blond with sky blue eyed was eight years old and his twin brother, Mathew, was a honey blond boy with lavender colored eyes.

They live with their mother and father near Austin and they loved to visit their grandfather. His house was old and rustic that the two enjoyed pretending that it was haunted, of course Alfred would get so scared that he would cry his eyes out at the thought of ghosts. The two blonds loved running around and exploring the forest that surround the house. Another thing that they loved was their grandfather's stories.

The old man had many stories to tell, but their favorite was the one about werewolves.


"Alright you two time for bed." The elderly man cleared his throat and smiled kindly as the two blond twins climed into their beds.

"Fine but can we get a story?" Alfred asked, the old man smiled and sat down on the foot of Alfred's bed. Ruffling his messy black crow colored hair he sighed happily.

"And let me guess the story you want." He looked up to see the two smiling at him with a child like inessence.

"Fine, but it's not my fault if Alfred gets scared." The American boy gasped and puffed out his cheeks in anger. The old man laughed and moved up to sit closer to Alfred.

"I'm just teasing, but fine I'll tell you the legend."

"I thought you said it was a story?" Matthew asked tilting his head in confusion.

"Legends are stories, they where just passed on from different people."

"Are myths stories too then, like Zeus or Hercules?" Alfred asked just a confused as his brother.

"All legends and myths have some truth to them, no matter how unbelievable they might seen. Alright are we ready or what?" Alfred nodded and Mathew hugged his poler bear plushy tightly and nodded.

"Alright first thing you gotta know is whatever people say, werewolves aren't evil, they can choose to be, just like people can choose to be good or bad. They do change from a man or woman to a wolf, usually on a full moon, but their senses are just like if they were still werewolves."

"What type of senses?" Alfred asked.

"Their sense of smell and hearing. Now if I may continue." He looked at the two blonds and waited for them to quiet down.

"There are only two way to become a werewolf. You either get bite or you have it in your blood. But the bite part is more harder since you have to be bite on the neck or somewhere close to the veins."

"Why dose it have to be on you veins?" Mathew intrupted quietly while he played with the fluffy white paws of the poler bear.

"Because a werewolve bite is toxic and it has to reach your blood to make you a wolf... If it doesn't then your in the blue." The older man said with a smile.

"What about the other part, the part about it being in the blood?" Alfred was the one to ask this time.

"Well, if you have someone that has the werewolf gene already inside their body's then a future generation can have it too. They could turn into a wolf, though it's not one hundred percent, or they won't and go on livin' and never notice it. The gene will move on to another generation until they turn."

"Do we have it...?" Alfred asked tugging on the blankets a little. The old man gave him a worm smile and ruffled his blond hair making the boy laugh.

"I don't know, you'll have to wait till your eighteen to know that."

"Why eighteen?" Matthew asked.

"That's the 'coming of age' so to speak, that's when you turn into adults, and that's when the gene kicks in... But I think it's time for you two to get some rest." The old man got up and walked over to turn of the lights.

"Goodnight you two." The man said before leaving the room.

"Goodnight grandpa." The boys said back before they went to sleep.

AN- There you go, first chapter done. How is it? Is it good? Will you continue to read the story? I hope so! Thank you for reading ~♡

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