Chapter 27

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Hello and welcome to another chapter. I hope you all enjoy! Have fun ~♡

Arthur sat curled up on the couch waiting as he drank his tea and waited for Alfred to tell him more about the laws.

"Ready to learn?" Alfred looked at the curled up Brit and smiled, he looked as comfortable as possible, it was really cute. Arthur nodded and Alfred took a deep breath and spoke.

"I don't know much but I'll tell you all I know. All magical creatures come from a common ancestor that used to be either witches or have something to both with witches. We werewolf come from a wizard that wanted to be the strongest. He did some magic that broken some fundamental rules and instead of strength he grow hair, his bones broke, and he became the first werewolf."

Alfred looked at Arthur to see if he was listening, Arthur smiled and nodded that he was paying attention to the story.

"Our ancestor got his start because he wanted strength, the vampire ancestors became a vampire because she wanted to live forever." Arthur nodded and took a sip of his tea.

"The laws were made by him, it gave us a sense of... respect for each other. All wolves are told this and all wolves follow them."

"What are they?"

"Wolves are very loyal and will respect their Alpha unless they feel the Alpha is doing a poor job or is being unfair to the pack. Wolves can fall in love with humans but they have to mate with them and make them into a werewolf too. They can also be a mate with another wolf too, and well you know what happends next right."

"Yeah, I sow it yesterday."

"Mm, and a werewolf has one mate their entire life. If that mate dies then they are not allowed to find another mate. That's why mates are very protective." Arthur put down his finished cup and scooted closer to the taller male. Alfred smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover.

"What eles love?"

"We can't kill other pack members or werewolf from other packs unless needed to. We look out for other members in our pack and we leave lone wolves alone." Alfred kissed the top of Arthur's head. "Do you understand now?" Arthur gave Alfred a nodded and relaxed in his embrace.

The two hugged on the couch for a while until Alfred started to get hungry and went into the kitchen to make something for both of them to eat.


While Alfred was busy in the kitchen Arthur sat on the plush couch. He sighed when Alfred didn't come back right away, so he took out his phone and decided that it was the best time to call Alistair.

The phone rang a couple of times before he heard a response.


"Hello Alistair I hope I'm not bothering you..."

"Oh it's you... no I was just reading. So why have you called? Did the dog finally change you? It's still winter so it's a little early..."

"Yes Alfred did change me into a werewolf. Yesterday was my first full moon."

"Oh~ and how was it?" His cousin teased over the phone. Arthur frowned and sighed before answering.

"It hurt... you know that."

"I know, I'm just teasing you. You only have three full moons to go though, it won't be so bad." Alistair laughed over the phone. Arthur smiled and looked down at his lap. He and Alistair never talked like this, but it felt nice to talk to his cousin instead of yelling at him.

"So did they except you into the pack?"

"Yes, Alfred's brother mate was also welcomed."

"Was he a lone or a pack wolf?"


"Well laws are laws I guess..."

"So you know about them too...?"

"It's my job as a hunter to know." Arthur almost forgot that Alistair and his brothers were raised as hunters. It made Arthur reflect back. Only a couple of months ago did he meet Alfred, and in less then that did he find out about werewolves. It all happend so fast.

"Aright I have to go, I do have a life you know." Arthur was pulled back out of thought, he said his goodbyes and hung up. He layed back on the couch and sighed. He closed his eyes and relaxed thinking about the past month and all that happend.

AN- Well that's it. It was more of a informational chapter then anything. But hopefully it was still good. Thank you for reading ~♡

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