Chapter 4

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Hello and welcome to chapter 4, I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Have fun ~♡

"Alright are we really?" The light blond dog asked as he got up and walked to the two. "First off Alfred, you a werewolf." The baby blue eyed dog said as he sat down next to the other blond dog.


"Next you and your brother Mathew, just changed, that's what the pain was about. That only happens the first four months so you two only have three more to go through, and-"

"Wait, wait, you said werewolf, so what, I'm a dog now?!" Alfred interrupted.

"Your a werewolf now, not a dog! Saying your a dog is an insult. Dogs are different from wolves, and werewolf are bigger then normal wolves." The blond wolf barked out. The one that was siting next to him, Mathew, his dear brother got up and walked over to the large island in the middle of the kitchen. He stood up on his hind legs and placed his big paws on the cold marble. He looked around to fine something that had a reflective surface, when he found a sliver platter he grabbed it with his teeth and brought it back to Alfred. Alfred looked at him confused but leaned down to look at the silver platter. He felt all the color drain out of him and his eyes widened at what he sow. They were right, he was a wolf.

His fur was a sunflower color, similar to Mathew's fur but maybe a shade darker. He had his cowlick in the same spot, his ears were pointed up and his blue eyes were wide with shock as he looked at his reflection.

He pouted and a small whine escaped his mouth. He sat down and his ears flattened against his head as he looked down to see big white paws.

"Ready to listen?" Mathew asked, Alfred looked up and stayed silent. Not knowing how to feel about the situation. He felt like himself. He had his mind and soul, but it was like he was in a different body. Just as strong as his human body but more sensitive. He could smell and hear things better now and he didn't need glasses to see, he supposed it was the same for Mathew.

"Bon mon ami, listen closely becouse it's quite a lot of information. Your mother was a werewolf, she got the gene from her mother, Stacy, who was bitten by one of our pack wolves. It was a horrible accident and he was punished for it. But when the pack found out that she gave birth they watched over her to see if she'll change. She never changed and she never joined the pack. Your grandfather on the other hand wasn't a wolf and he never was, but he was very close with the pack. He studied werewolves and became like family to us, even though he wasn't a wolf. When he learned that you two have the gene he knew you two would turn and that's why he told you stories about werewolves. Now it's my job to bring you to the pack." He got up and turned around leaving the two brother alone as he waited outside.

"What do we have to lose?" Matthew looked at his brother and smiled.

"Our minds. I think that blond French wolf drugged us or something."

"What you think that this is some lsd trip?"

"What else could it be?! Wolves Mattie? We just turned into werewolves and you seem very calm about this."

"I don't see a point in fighting is all. We can't do anything about this so we might as well just trust him." Mathew got up and waited for his brother to the same. After a minute he got up and followed his brother outside to where the French wolf was waiting.

"prêt à partir?" The blond wolf asked happily when he sow the two.

"If we're going to follow you blindly into the forest at least tell us your name." Alfred asked a little bit too rudely.

"Francis Bonnefoy." The wolf said and ran into the forest. The two looked at each other and ran after him.


The two brothers panted as they finally stopped. They caught up with Francis a while back but it was still a long run through the forest and the blond wolf was very fast. The place where they stopped was a rocky area deep into the forest by an old river, a beautiful place that not many people know about. There were other wolves around, some were laying on some of the rocks and others were talking to one another in small groups. When the three entered the rocky area where the wolves they stopped what they were doing and looked at them. The wolves were all different colors, blond, dark and light brown, black and white, and some a dark and light gray color.

Francis snarled at the two to make them pay attention.

In front of them was a wolf smaller then Alfred and Mathew, a female wolf. She was pretty for a wolf, dark red long wavy fur, deep dark green eyes, her right paw was a creamy white, and she had a scar on her left shoulder.

"You two must be Alfred and Mathew, your Grag's daughter's litter." The red wolf asked with a kind voice that fit her small form.

"This is Scarlet, she's our Alpha." Francis said.

"I knew your grandfather when I was a pup, he always told me stories when I was a littler girl. He was a good man, I'm so sorry for your loss..." Scarlet walked around the two and smiled. "But I'm happy that both of you are wolves and have completed your change. But nevertheless, welcome to the pack." Scarlet said as she turned around and jumped on top of a rock.

"Oh and don't worry about your clothes, it's not like the rumors." She turned around just to glance at the two and continued. "We do keep our clothes." And with that she jumped off the rock and went off to talk with some of the pack members.

"Follow me and I'll take you to the spot where you two can sleep for tonight." Francis said with a smile, the two followed the wolf to a small rock where they would spend the night, hopeful tomorrow they and the rest of the wolves would be back to normal and have two feet instead of four.

AN- I hope you guys liked the chapter and I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading ~♡

Bon mon ami- good my friend.
prêt à partir- ready to go.

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