Chapter 28

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Hello and welcome to another chapter! I hope you all had a wonderful week. Have fun ~♡

Arthur was home working on a paper for one of his classes when he heard the door slam.

"Alfred?" Arthur went into the living room, Alfred was leaning against the door with his face buried in his hands.

Arthur walked carefully toward the American and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Alfred what's wrong?" Arthur asked quietly, Alfred was quite for a minute before he moved his hands and looked at the Brit with worry.

"Scarlet... she was attacked..." Arthur eyes went wide and his hand fell off of Alfred's shoulder. Attacked? She was his alpha, but he felt something bubble deep down. Anger? Was this his new werewolf instincts.

"What happend?"

"The vampire... the girl that bit you... she attacked Scarlet while she was going back home. Thank God she's a werewolf, if the vampire did bite her she'll be fine."

"Is Scarlet ok?"

"She hurt, but she alive..." Arthur felt a wave of sadness wash over, he lowered his head only to have Alfred pinch his chin and make him look up. Alfred smiled warmly at the Brit before he kissed him.

"Come on, the other members are gathering around to see the her." Alfred placed a light kiss on Arthur's fourhead. Arthur nodded and the two left.


Alfred and Arthur made their way to Scarlet's house quietly. Arthur didn't bother to talk to Alfred as he walked next to him. He just let his mate be.

When they made it to the house Alfred didn't wast anytime. He walked up and knocked.

"Alfred? It's a good thing you came." Antonio answered the door and looked happy to see him. His smile widened when he noticed Arthur and motioned the two werewolves to come in.

The house was filled with pack members, some when siting and talking on the couch or the stairs, some were standing and talking. Arthur looked around examining every face and trying to figer out what wolves they were. They all looked so different when they were human. Arthur hugged himself, suddenly worryed about his appearance.

Arthur slowly started to back up and try to run away but instead bumped into Alfred's chest.

"Ah sorry."

"It's fine, what's wrong you look nervous?"

"This is my first time seen the pack members as humans..." Alfred looked at the smaller man and smiled when light pink colored his cheeks.

"Don't worry Artie! They're still the same as they were the last time you sow them. Gone on and talk to them!"

"What?!" Alfred pushed the Brit lightly making him tumble forward and bump into a group of girls. Alfred smiled when Arthur scratched his neck and apologized and was about to leave when one of the girls asked if he would like to stay and talk to them for a while. Being the gentleman Arthur was he gladly stayed and talked not even noticing that Alfred slipped away. 

AN- That's it for this one. I hope it was good even though it was small. Thank you for reading ~♡

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