Chapter 29

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Hello and welcome to a new chapter! Thank you for all the support and love this story is getting. Have fun ~♡

The red haired Alpha was laying in her bed with Elizabeth taking care of her wounds.

She was coverd with scars, a deep bite mark on her shoulder, and a deep cut on her lower torso was wrapped to stop the bleeding.

Elizabeth noticed the American standing by the door looking at his Alpha sadly. She gave him a weak smiled and got up from Scarlet's side.

"She's ok. I gave her some medicine and used some magic so she'll live..."

"That's a relief."

"Where's Arthur? I heard that he's a werewolf now."

"Yeah... after the attack I just wanted to be safe you know." Elizabeth nodded and looked back at the sleeping werewolf.

"Alfred... I'm not a wolf yet, but you do know this breaks the wolf laws right?" Alfred nodded.

"Ludwig is in charge now... he says that all of you are going out there tonight..."

"I wouldn't have come if I didn't know that already Liz." Elizabeth sighed.

"But you brought Arthur... if he gets hurt... or ki-"

"He's not coming."

"What? Then why did you bring him here?"

"I can't put him in danger... and I can't leave him at home. So I want him to stay here with some of the girl's and the kid's. It's safe... for him to be surrounded by the pack..."

"But Ludwig-"

"Won't make him fight. I talked to Francis earlier and he told him." Elizabeth nodded and moved back to tend to the Alpha.

"You know he's stubborn... he'll come after you if he finds out. He loves you too much."

Alfred sighed before he left the room.


"Is that so?" Arthur asked one of the young girl's. He was enjoying his talk with the female werewolves and found he like many things they like. While he talked some of the other younger werewolves come over.

Kid's ranging from six to thirteen. One of the six year olds was a cute boy with dark hair and a bright smile. He looked at Arthur for a moment before he lifted his arms.

Arthur smiled and lifted the boy up with a smile.

"I'm sorry, he likes to be picked up." One of the girl wolves said.

"Oh no it's fine. I didn't know werewolves could be so young."

She laughed and Arthur smiled down at the young wolf who giggled and pocked Arthur right in between his eyebrows.

"Haha he likes you!" The boys mother laughed.

"Do you like kids Arthur?" Another one of the girl wolves asked. Arthur nodded his head and smiled when the boy hugged him closer and rested his head on the Brit's shoulder.

"If you ever want to contribute to the pack then you could take care of the pups with the mother's."

"Is that a job?"

"Usually the mother's and younger girl's take care of the pups but truthful all the members look after the young." Arthur looked at the small child sleeping on his shoulder.

"I would love to help out in any way I can."


As expected Arthur was still talking to the girl's, Alfred smiled and walked over to him. He said hello to the girls and the kids and asked Arthur if he could talk to him. Arthur put down the small wolf and allowed Alfred to pulled the him into one of the empty rooms.

"Alfred what happend?"

"Scarlet will be ok, Liz is taking care of her."

"Liz? Elizabeth, the witch that healed me?" Alfred crossed his arms and nodded.

"Ludwig needs me to go with him and some of the other wolves to the den." Arthur turned around and stared to walk to the door.

"Good I'll go wi-"

"You're not coming." He stopped and turned around confused.

"Why not?"

"Because we're going deep into the forest and we need experienced wolves." Alfred walked up to Arthur and kissed the smaller man. When Alfred pulled away Arthur hesitantly nodded and Alfred placed a kiss on his head before leaving.

AN- That's it for this chapter! As much as I hate to say it, this story will be ending soon. But until then thank you for reading ~♡

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