Chapter 26

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Hello and welcome to chapter 26. God we came far haven't we? I'm happy that you all love this story so much! Have fun ~♡

The wolves in the pack had their eyes glued to the blond Canadian wolf as he stood infront of the Alpha. While all the wolves looked at Matthew, Alfred and Arthur were looking at the wolf in the distance.

"That's Gilbert..." Alfred said quietly to Arthur.

"Gilbert? But he's in a different pack right? So why is he here?" Arthur whispered back.

"I don't know... but things are going to get interesting really quickly."

Mathew and Scarlet looked at each other for a while before Scarlet spock.

"What is this?! You bring another pack wolf to our den?!" She snarled at him. Normal Mathew would be a good wolf and listen to the Alpha, to back down from challenging her, but not this time. Mathew shifted but stood his ground against the red wolf.

"This is Gilbert... it's true he's from another pack... but we... fell in love... and he left his pack. He's a free wolf and wishes to join our pack..." The red Alpha glared at him and the lone wolf.

"How dare you... just because he left his pack doesn't mean he's welcome here!" She yelled, Mathew lowered his head and before she could yell at him more Gilbert stepped in.

"Fräulein, If you can please hear us out." Gilbert stepped infront of the red wolf to protect his mate from her. The Alpha growled at him for entering her territory.

"You seem to be a reasonable Alpha ja? You seen what love can do, how it can change people and wolves alike, so dose it matter that I was not born in this pack? By law of our ancestors, if I remember correctly, is that if the mate was human and changed into a wolf the wolf will join the pack of his or hers mate. But if a wolf is mated across two different packs then one has to leave their pack; their family, to be a lone wolf then join the pack of their mate."

Scarlet narrowed her bright green eyes.

"How dare-"

"It is law. Law that was created to make mated wolves be together."

"In order to be part of this pack you must give me your loyalty." She said with a heavy, thretoning tone as she walked closer to him. The white wolf leaned down and lowered his head just like Arthur did a couple of minutes ago.

There was a long quiet that spread through the pack. Everyone waiting to see what Scarlet will do.

"Very well... welcome Gilbert to my pack." She huffed before she turned around, told everyone that he too will be apart of the pack before walking away.

"Wow Mattie I'm so proud of you for doing that!" Alfred ran up to the two, his tail wagging happily.

"Really? Because that was kinda scary..." Matthew laughed dryly. Arthur walked up to the group and before he could say anything Gilbert stopped him.

"Arthur you look amazing! How long ago did you two mate?"

"Two weeks ago." Alfred said happily, he rubbed his head under Arthur neck as a sign of affection.

"Well since you're now a wolf how do you like it?" Arthur smiled down at the American wolf and when Alfred layed down infront of Arthur's paws the Brit spock again.

"It hurt at first... I can't wait for my fifth full moon so when I change it won't hurt, but other then that I like it. Being here with Alfred and getting to know the other pack members... I think I'll like being here." Arthur answer, Gilbert looked at him for a moment before giving the Brit wolf as warm smile. 

"That's wonderful Arthur."

"I happy that the Alpha agreed to let you be part of the pack." Alfred said looked up from his place on the floor.

"I never truly like my old pack to begin with. I was born into it just like Alfred and Mathew were. Your Alphas a kind woman and she knows her laws."


"Oh right I never mentioned them to you did I?" Arthur shook his head.

"Well I'll tell you tomorrow." Alfred got up and stretched. Come on, it's time to sleep, you had one hell of a day." Arthur nodded and followed his mate to get some much needed rest. Arthur didn't realised how tiered he was until he laid down on the rocky floor with Alfred snuggled next to him. He smiled at Alfred and licked his cheek before he went to sleep.

AN- That's it for this chapter. Thank you for all of the support. I love how much you all love this story. Thank you for reading ~♡

Fräulein- German for Miss. (Please don't kill me if I'm wrong!)

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