Chapter 2

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Hello and welcome! Here with chapter 2 of the story, hope you enjoy. Have fun ~♡

"Oh man, Matt! Look what I found!" Alfred yelled across the room to his brother. Mathew sighed and got up from the place he was read the labels on different boxes.

"What Al?" He walked over with folded arms and a frown. His brother olny turned around with a big smile. On his fingers he had all sorts of gold and silver rings with different beautifully colored stones on them.

"Look, how much do you think their worth huh?" Alfred said looking at the rings.

"Have you no respect for the dead? They were grandfather's Alfred."

"We should sell them." The blond said quietly to himself.

"No Alfred."

"Oh come on, how long has it bine since he passed away? This is technically ours now, we can do what ever we want with it."

It was true, in their grandfather's will he said they could take everything he left in his attic. But it's bine so long sine then. Alfred and Mathew have grown so much and in two weeks they would be turning eighteen.

Alfred pouted at his brothers stubbornness and gave up, he didn't want to make his brother angry. He took off the rings one by one when he noticed something and stopped.


"What did you say?"

"On the back of the rings it says Kir."

Mathew sat down next to Alfred and grabbed one of the ring. He examined it, a gold ring with a mint green jewel on the top and on the bottom of it the only thing that was visible were the letters 'Kir'.

"Maybe it's girls name?" Alfred said leaning over to his brother so he could look at the ring too.


"Maybe Kirtsy?"

"Who knows." Mathew shrugged and gave the ring back to Alfred.

"Do you think it was from his lover? Or maybe a mistress from the 1920's!" Alfred asked curiously as he took off the rest of the rings and handed them to Mathew.

"Al our grandfather had one love in his life remember? Her name was Stacy, and how old do you think he was?"

"I don't know, but I remember him telling us about Stacy and all, but I can't remember how she died?"

"She died during birth. She was attacked by an animal when she was in labor. When she got to the hospital she gave birth to mom and passed away because of blood loss." Mathew said leaning on some boxes behind him.

Before Alfred got to say anything the boxes Mathew leaned on started to topple over.

"Watch out!" Alfred leaped and pushed Mathew out of the way as the boxes fell to the floor.

When the dust settled Alfred was looming over Mathew who he pinned to the floor.

"Thank you." Mathew said looking back at the mess of fallen boxes. Alfred smiled and leaned down making Mathew look back at his brother.

"Am I your hero?" Matthew laughed and tried to push his brother away playful.

"Seeing as you just saved me, yes Alfred you are." Alfred's smile grow wider and he sat up. "Al... you can get off me now..."

"Oh sorry!" Alfred moved off of his brother. Mathew sat up and dusted himself off. He was about to get up when something fell off of the shelves and hit his brother on the head.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Alfred whined as he rubbed his head.

"It's a book?" Mathew said as he picked up the old leather bound book.

"Stupid book hit me..."

"The legend of the werewolves...?" The cover of the book was blank, all except the title which was printed in big black latter's.

"Werewolves? Isn't that the same legend grandpa told us?"

"Yeah, when we were kids he would always tell us these silly little stories."

"Silly?! I don't know I thought they were real..."

"Oh yeah, why was that Al?" Matthew said with a teasing tone, Alfred just shrugged and scooted closer to his brother. He looked at the book Mathew had in his hands and shivered.

"I don't know... it was something about the way he talked about them..." The more Alfred stared at the book the colder he got. It was strange, it wasn't cold in the room, but Alfred felt like he was freezing.

"Hey Matt do you mind if we take a break?" Alfred asked hugging himself to try and keep worm. Mathew looked at him confused, he sat down the book and got up. Alfred moved quickly to get up too and leave the attic.

AN- Well that's it, I'll see you in the next chapter! Thank you for reading ~♡

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