Chapter 17

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Hello and welcome! Sorry, this chapter is a bit short but I hope it's still good. Have fun ~♡

Alfred and Alistair made their way through the old cabin and up the attic where they surched through the old boxes.

"Why is it so messy up here?" Alistair asked from his place on the floor.

"When me and my brother were cleaning some boxes fell and we took a break. We were going to clean them... but then we started our change." Alfred said as he dug through the boxes along side the red head.

"I read that it's painful for you to turn into wolves."

"Only the first four mouths."

"Do you know why?" He looked at Alfred who shook his head. He moved the box away from him and sat back.

"All supernatural creatures are made from witches. Wolves came from the western part of the world, vampires the north, sirens the south, and witches originated from the east. Once a powerful witch wanted to have straight, he wanted to be the strongest in his coven, so he casted a spell that broke the laws of magic and turning him into a beast; a wolf. He was punished for what he did and for all the lives he took his first change, ever wolf that changed would suffer."

"Wow... you read a lot."

"Of course! Didn't your Alpha tell you this?"

Alfred shook his head. He tried to think back but nothing came up. This was the first time he heard something like this before.

Alistair sighed and got up and dusted himself off.

"You know for a dog you're not bad." Alfred smiled and got up. He stopped when he heard something.

"Alistair." Alfred said in a quiet voice. The red head turned around and looked at the other, confused by the change of tone.

Alfred turned around to look at the stairs that led to the attic.

"Someone's here."

"What?" He whispered as he moved to stand next to Alfred. Alfred gazed was foucased to the stairs as he narrowed his eyes. He knew that someone was watching them, but because he didn't smell anything he didn't think much of it.

The two watched the stairs, Alfred moved a hand infront of Alistair to protect him on instincts as they heard footsteps coming up the steps.

They heard a deep chuckle as the intruder finally made it up the stairs.

"Well look what we have here. A wolf and a hunter together." The man said with a grined, his pointy white teeth showing in his grin.

"It's my luck day."

AN- Well that's all for this chapter. I hope that it was still good. Thank you for reading ~♡

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