Chapter 10

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Hello and welcome! God damm chapter 10. Man I love this story, and I hope you all love it too. Have fun ~♡

Arthur wasn't expecting this, he just wanted to dtink his tea in peace and read a book and get classes over with.

This woman, Scarlet, intimidated the hell out of Arthur. Not only that but she knew Alfred.

Was this Alfred's Alpha? It must be. She looked beautiful, but if she was the Alpha then Arthur had to keep his guard up.

"You look tense Artie. I'm guessing you know who I am." She said, her smile disappearing.

"Don't call me that." Arthur said back, narrowing his eyes at the red haired woman.

She chuckled and nodded her head. "I'm sorry."

"I do know who you are... it wasn't exactly Alfred's fault. I kind of followed him and found out by myself." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. The Alpha wolf looked at Arthur, though her smile never coming back.

"I thought so... Alfred would never tell anyone human about us unless he was forced." Arthur sighed, it's fine if all the blame goes on him.

"I didn't force him to do anything. You say it like it's a bad thing, being human I mean." Arthur muttered.

"It is. We're different from you, Alfred's different from you." Arthur frowned at her statement. He might be a werewolf but he's still Alfred. Scarlet laughed.

"What? You think he's like you?" She said a smirk on her face.

"It doesn't matter to me if he's a werewolf or not, Alfred is still Alfred, he's still my friend."

"He's a wolf, now and forever."

"He was human before he was a wolf."

"It doesn't matter what he was! He is a wolf and you're human!" Scarlet yelled.

Arthur stood up and slammed his hands down on the table. "So what! He told me that a werewolf could fall in love with a human. He said that a lot of wolves do that! It doesn't matter if I'm human or not it olny matters if he loves me or not!" Arthur panted as he finished yelling, his face red with anger. The other people in the room looked at the two.

Scarlet looked at him surprised, but then she smiled again, the same smile that made Arthur feel cold.

"Alfred is mine." She said, Arthur's expression dropped and his eyes widened.


"He is mine. In the spring it will be matting season and during that time he and I will be together and he will be Alpha."

"He said... he said that he doesn't have a mate..."

"He doesn't, not yet anyways, but he will. He's the strongest in our pack, he may be young but he's a good fighter and he's very attractive, and he will be my mate."

Arthur was speechless as he looked at her. Did Alfred know about this, did he lie to Arthur when he said that he had no one. Arthur placed a hand on his heart to make sure it was still there and that it won't jump out from the overwhelming sadness he feels.

Scarlet chuckled one more time before she turned around and looked over her shoulders. "Arthur, as a word of advice, stop. He is a strong wolf and will become the Alpha of the pack. In order to even be with him you have to trow away your humanity... are you willing to do that? You have a good life going for you, a good future. Find someone else." She said and waked away.


When Arthur came back to the dorm it was empty. He sighed and plopped down on the couch. His entire day was ruined by Scarlet. He felt so small and weak, he wanted to curl up and sleep it off, but he couldn't. Sleep wasn't going to help, nothing would.

Arthur always had a crappy love life, but now Alfred got under his skin, he couldn't stop thinking about him.

He was just about to fall asleep when the door opend. "Arthur I'm home!" Alfred yelled as he walked into the small living room they shared. "Arthur?" All the American got was a muffled hum. He walked over and looked down at Arthur.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you lie to me?" Arthur used his hand to weakly get up and hold himself up. "About you... not having a mate..."

"No, I told you I don't have anyone. Why?"

"Your Alpha came and said hello, love lady, she yelled at me, then threatened me, and told me that you were her's and whatnot."

"What! You sow Scarlet today!" Arthur nodded still not looking at Alfred. "She threatened you?" Arthur nodded again.

"Tonight's a full moon Arthur, I'll see her again and I'll talk to her. Don't worry, I'm not her's and I don't plan to be her mate."

Alfred said as he walked away from the Brit. When Alfred left Arthur couldn’t help but smile and wipe away tears.

AN- Scarlet was fun huh? No she isn't Hungary, I was thinking of doing that but I wanted Hungary to play a different role. Though that will be in a later chapter. Thank you for reading ~♡

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