Chapter 11

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Hello and welcome! Hope you're having a good week and that you're exited for a new chapter. Have fun ~♡

That night Alfred and his brother calmly walked through the dark forest alone. They walked in silence for a while before Alfred asked his brother a question.

"Hey Mattie I got a question."

"Yes Al?"

"Did you know that Scarlet went to see Arthur." Alfred asked as they made their way through trees to find a good place to change.

"No, why would I know that?" Matthew jumped over a rock and caught up to his brother, he looked at the blond confused.

"It's just if she knew I'm with Arthur then what about you and Gilbert?" Mathew stopped, his heart skipping a beat as he thought about it. Being in love with a human wasn't nearly as bad as being in love with another wolf from a different pack.

"Don't worry Mattie, I got your back." Alfred smile brightly at his brother. "This looks like a good place." Alfred said as they stopped at a small river clearing.

"Yeah it's got a easy stream to cross and everything." Mathew went up to the water and looked in. Small little fish were swimming in it, but the water was shallow and would be easy to cross for them.

"Great now all we gotta do is wait." Alfred sat down and looked at the full moon slowly rising in the dark sky.


The moon was full and the forest dark. The large old trees that stood tall blocked most of the moons lights. If you were ever lost in the forest at night and didn't know your way around you would (one way or another) lose your life.

But not for the two blond wolves that ran across the forest floor. Werewolves have amazing eyesight in the dark and it's easy with their powerful sense of smell and hearing to find their way around.

"We're almost there Mattie, you aren't feeling tired are you?" Alfred teased his brother who was falling behind.

"Me? Don't worry about me. It's you I should be worryed about."


Mathew caught up to his brother and passed his easily.

"Aren't you a little too fat to be running this much?" The honey blond wolf laughed. Alfred was so surprised by what he heard that he lost his footing and fell.

"MATHEW!" He yelled as his brother laughed in the distance.


Mathew made it to the packs den swiftly. He panted lightly and sat down only to be tackled to the floor a second later.

"Found you." Alfred said, bitting his brothers ear playfully as he layed on top of him. The other wolf struggled but he know that fighting wouldn't get him anywhere.

"Yes Alfred, you found me, now could you stop bitting my ear...?" The sunflower blond wolf gave his brother one last tug before he got off. His brother sat up and lightly pawed at his brothers face playfully, making him laugh.

"There you two are." They stopped their play fighting to see Francis walking toads them.

"I thought you two might get lost again." Antonio joked, scratching his dark coffee colored fur.

"Since you two did get lost last time." Another wolf came up to them. Ludwig, a short light blond wolf with blue eyes.

"I didn't get lost! I was exploring... " Alfred pouted as he sat down, he's ears flat.

"The same for me, we are allowed to explore, the entire forest is our territory after all." Mathew said looking at his brother.

"Maybe so, but you made Scarlet worry about you two." Ludwig said.

"Speaking of, where is Scarlet? I need to talk to her." Alfred asked as he got up.

"She's across the river." Antonio said, Alfred nodded and ran off to find her, leaving the other three wolves confused.

"What was that about?" Francis asked tilting his head to the side.

"Nothing important." Mathew laughed and went to go and get some food with the other pack members.

AN- That's it for this chapter. I'm having a lot of a fun time writing this and I hope you all like reading it. Thank you for reading ~♡

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