Chapter 20

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Hello and welcome to chapter 20! I hope you all enjoy it, have fun ~♡

"Aright you two you have some explaining to do." Arthur said with his hands on his hips as he looked at the two men as they ate breakfast.

"Now? We're eat you know." Alistair complained, he took another bite of his omelet and continued. "At least the dog cooks better then you, if we ate your cooking we'll be in the bathroom for days." Alfred laughed at how red Arthur turned.

"Hey I thought you'll stop calling me dog?"

"It fits you." Alfred frowned but didn't complain.

"Dog? What happened yesterday? Why were you cut?" Alistair sighed and moved his plate of unfinished food to the side.

"I know he's a werewolf, I only know that because I'm a hunter, and so are my brothers. Your mum and dad were once hunters too but they stopped."

"Me and Alistair went to my grandpa's old house to find some hunter rings that belonged to your family." Alfred added.

"We were followed by a vampire and he attacked us."

"He cut me, but I'm fine now. Alistair killed him and we came back." Alfred smiled at the shocked Brit while Alistair went back to his food.

"Wait excuse me, hunters? So you know about Alfred then."

"Yes I do, and so do my brothers. Werewolves, vampires, witches and everything eles."

"You said my parents were hunters and stopped."

"Your mother had a sister that was killed by a vampire, then you were born and they stopped. My parents didn't."

"That's horrible."

"Hey shut the fuck up, at least I'm doing something with my life." The red head yelled.

"Nothing happened, we're all alright so there's no need to fight." Alistair got up and sighed.

"Fine... I still have to take care of something's, there small but I still gotta do them. So I'll be leave soon." Alistair went to stand next to Arthur. "You know ever since I could remember I hated you. But now, I think I hate you just a little less." He grinned before he left the room. When Arthur looked back at Alfred he was smiling.

"What?" Arthur smiled back at him.

"He's not so bad."

"I guess." Alfred laughed, Arthur sat down next to him only to be wrapped in his arms.


At night Arthur sat on Alfred's lap as they kissed, their body's close together as their tongues dance together.

When their lungs screamed for air they pulled away and panted lightly as they looked at each other. The room dark, the only light was from the window. Alfred moved down to Arthur's neck and licked the sensitive flesh.

"Al-" The Brit moaned out, his hands moving up to Alfred's soft hair.

"Don't worry I won't do anything... I can't." Alfred stopped his licking and moved back to look at Arthur. "Arthur, do you want to be a werewolf?" Alfred said with a serious look in his blue eyes.

"And what would you do if I said yes."

"Well... then right here." Alfred put a little pressure on Arthur's neck. "Right here is were I would have to bite you. To clam you as mine." Arthur closed his eyes and whimpered at the pressure.

"And t-then...?"

"As your mate it's my job to help you through your change. Then when you change into a wolf I'll bring you to the pack." Arthur nodded and opend his eyes to see the American smiling.

"That sounds wonderful Alfred." Arthur smiled back and cupped Alfred's cheeks as he leaned down to kiss him.

AN- That's it for this chapter. I hope you all liked it. Thank you for reading ~♡

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