Chapter 24

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Hello and welcome! Hope you all are having a wonderful week. Have fun ~♡

Arthur woke up when he felt a hand run through his hair. He looked up with heavy eyes at his new American lover.

"Good mornin'." Alfred smiled, Arthur sat up to meet Alfred's blue eyes and smiled.

"Good morning love." Arthur placed a hand on his neck. Alfred smiled dropped just a little as he looked at Arthur. "Will this heal?" Arthur asked as he rubbed the bite on his neck.

"A little, it won't be visible very much but it'll be there. A reminder that you are mine."

"I don't need a mark to remind me that I'm your's." Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred's neck and kissed him.


The night was dark as the full moon was planed to rise soon. Arthur played with his hands as he looked out the window. This was his first full moon and he was just a little nervous. But Alfred was here to help him out, but still the thought about it hurting made Arthur a little nervous and scared.

Alfred was on the couch watching Arthur as he walked back and fourth between windows.

"Arthur." Alfred had enough of his worring and walked over to him. He took Arthur's hands in his and rubbed the top of his hands with his thumb as a way to calm his nervous.

"I'm sorry..." Arthur lowered his head.

"Don't be, I would be scared too..."

"The first time you changed... how was it?"

"We didn't know it would happen, it was painful, we thought we were dying or something. The pain was too much and we passed out." Alfred heard a wimper come from Arthur, he sighed and hugged the Brit. "I know it sounds bad... but we didn't have anyone to help us through it... you do, I'm not going to leave you. It's my job to help you through it." Arthur felt his cheeks grow hot before he hugged the other back.


"Arthur stop pacing." Alfred frowned at the Brit as he walked in circles around the living room and was biting his index finger.

"I'm sorry what do you want me to do!?" Arthur stopped and looked out the window at the moon. Alfred sighed and walked over to him.

"It's not going to help you. You're just wasting energy." Alfred stopped when he heard the other man wince. "Artie, are you ok?" Arthur shook his head as he hugged himself. Alfred emidiatly took the small man in his arms and moved down to the floor. Alfred placed his chin on Arthur's head as Arthur began to sod and move uncomfortably in his arms.

Arthur soon began to scream from the pain, all his poor attempts to quiet himself failed when his bones began to twits in unhumanly ways. Before breaking in two in a loud snap.

Alfred held him as long as he could before he had to release him to change as well.

Alfred's change was much quicker then Arthur's and when Alfred finished he sat there, ears flat, and big blue eyes looking at his lover. Alfred got up and tried his best to confert the Brit as he changed. The change wasn't as long, Arthur didn't even black out like he and Matthew did. It was painful, watching as Arthur scream and trembled from the pain, and to hear the bracking of bones and Arthur's screams.

But soon it was over and Arthur completed his change.

AN- That's it for this chapter. Thank you for all the support you all give me. It makes me happy to know you all like this story so much. Thank you for reading ~♡

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