Chapter 6

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Hello and welcome to chapter 6. I hope you guys are liking it so far, and I hope you all like this chapter too. Have fun ~♡

Three months passed and the two where still living with each other. Which was a very good sign.

The first week Arthur threatened Alfred that he would kill him for leaving his dirty clothes on the floor; which made Arthur fall multiple times. And after a good yell and a slap to the face from the Brit, Alfred finally picked up his clothes. And one day when Arthur came home to fine it completely clean he started to open up more to the American.

Alfred was nicer then he originally thought. He did his share of house work, helped with the cooking, and to Arthur's surprise was very good at math and science and happily helped the Brit out when he needed to study.

But Arthur started to notice small things. Things that always seem to bother the him.

A couple of times Alfred would leave and not come back until the next day. He would always tell him that he was leaving, but before he could ask why or where he was going Alfred would be gone. He assumed that Alfred was going to spend the night with his girlfriend or boyfriend but Alfred would tell him that he was always wrong.


One day while the two were studying Arthur found it the perfect time to ask.


"Mm...?" Alfred looked up from his math book.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Alfred raised a brow at the sudden question.

Alfred coughed and closed his book, feeling that it was a perfect time for a break. "Nah I don't. Why the sudden question?"

"I was just wondering where you run off to."

"Oh you mean why sometime I'm not here. Well that's easy- I hang out with my friends. We've known each other for a long while and sometimes I spend the night with them that's all."

"Why haven't I met your friends?"

"They have personality that you don't really like... so I thought you might not want to be around them."

"I guess..."


Even after that Arthur had a feeling that Alfred was hiding something. He didn't know what, but whenever he tried to ask Alfred about it the taller blond would tell him it's nothing or piss him off by calling him 'Artie'.

But one night Arthur had enough. So after Alfred left, Arthur followed him.

He followed him all the way to a forster...

Arthur, having lost site of Alfred a while back was very confused as he looked around the trees. Why a forest? Alfred didn't seem like a murder, but why else would you be in the forster at night? He did say he was with his friends, maybe he's in a cult. That would make sense to be in a forest at night with friends.

Arthur sighed as he leaned agenst a tree. He was lost... at night... and no one knows he's here.

'Great! That bloody twat is going to be the end of me." Arthur thought as he sat down on the grassy floor. He sighed again and hugged his knees. He buried his face in his knees and closed his eyes.

Small bird sounds could be heard from the distance and crickets chirped away filled the forest with sounds.

"Arthur? Are you crying?" A voice asked a few minutes later. Arthur lifted his head to see Alfred's bright blue eyes looking at him. "Why are you here?" Alfred got closer and leaned down, he reached out to place a hand on Arthur's cheek but Arthur slapped his hand away.

"I could ask you the same question! And I was not crying, I got lost after I was trying to find you!" Arthur yelled. Alfred moved back, he looked at the other blond in disbelief, but soon the look changed to sadness and worry.

"You should have come Arthur..." Alfred sighed and ran a hand through his blond hair "If they smell you..." He looked up at the sky then back at Arthur. He sighed again, he grabbed his sweater and pulled it up and over his head.

"Wh- what are you doing?!" The Brit yelled as he felt all the blood go to his cheeks.

Alfred throw his sweater in Arthur's lap. "Putting it on. And stay here, I'll find you in a minute." Alfred said as he turned around, he was about to leave when Arthur stopped him.

"Wait Alfred! What's going on?"

Alfred turned around to look at Arthur, his bright sky blue eyes where now a dark sapphire.

"You want to live right? If so then put on the shirt and stay here."

AN- Well I wonder what will happen to Arthur? Wolves are pretty dangerous animals, and he is alone. Oh well, let's just hope nothing bad happens to him. Thank you for reading ~♡

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