Chapter 18

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Hello and welcome to chapter 18! I hope it's good! have fun ~♡

"Who are you." Alfred demanded more then asked.

The man in front of the two was thine and pale, dirty blond hair and light red eyes. The man dropped his smile; his white fangs pocking out a little.

"I'm Vladimir, and you two?" He put his hands in his jean pockets.



"Right, a hunter and a werewolf."

"So you know what we are, what are you? And why can't I smell you?" Alfred asked, his hand still infront of Alistair.

"Can't you see?" He opend his mouth and moved his upper lip to show his pointy teeth.

"I'm a vampire." He smiled and moved closer. "You can't smell me becouse I'm dead. Vampires don't give off any odor. It's a way of protecting us from you lot. And I was minding my own busy until I heard you two talking about some rings." He chuckled when the two moved back. "Hunter rings are very dangerous to me and you. Why help him?" Alfred growled at the vampire as a warning that he was getting too close.

"He's my friend. I'm not scared of him because I didn't do anything wrong for him or any hunter to kill me." Alfred said his voice deep.

"Leave. This has nothing to do with you. We won't kill you, we're just here to get the rings." Alistair said.

"Is that so?" The vampire tilted his head and grin before he jumped forward, startling the two.

Alistair pushed Alfred to the side making his yelp out and hit the floor as Alistair punched Vladimir.

The vampire got up in no time and attacked Alistair pining the red head to the floor as he tried to bite him. Before he got to do so Alfred got up and grabbed the vampire off of him.

The vampire hissed while Alfred growled. The Vladimir ran towards him, Alfred readyed himself to fight, but the other man was faster then him. He swung his arm and cut Alfred. He winced and moved back, blood coming from the deep cut on his lower torso. The vampire turned around quickly, readying to attack again while Alfred was weak but he didn't notice Alistair.

While Alfred kept him busy Alistair ran to the boxes and found the ring he needed. The vampire screamed and felt to the floor, and clenched his stomach. He coverd his mouth as blood spilled out.

Alistair clenched a gold ring with a red jewel on it in his hand as he looked for something to kill the vampire.

He found a small sharp piece of metal. In one hand he had the ring and in the other the piece of metal as he moved closer to the vampire. He impaled the vampire quickly and the two of them watched as his body dropped down to the floor as it was engulfed by flames.

He dropped the ring and sighed, then he noticed Alfred.

"Are you alright?" He walked up and examined the cut. Alfred smiled weakly and nodded.

"Yeah, my healing ability will kick in. Tomorrow it should be gone. But since we found the rings could we head back? I'm feeling a little bit tired." He laughed dryly and winced at the pain.

"Alright let's head back. Are you sure you'll be ok Alfred?" Alfred blinked and smiled.

"You called me Alfred not dog." Alistair blushed and turned his head away.

"You deserve it... you did good." Alfred laughed and wrapped a hand around Alistair's shoulder as support. Alistair sighed and wrapped a hand around Alfred waist as he helped him get home.

AN- Well that's it. I wanted to make the vampire Vladimir (Romania) because I thought it might be a fun change. I thought about making it Russia, but I thought that might be too predictable. Thank you for reading ~♡

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