Chapter 22

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Hello and welcome to chapter 22. We've gone so far into this story and I'm so happy that all of you guys like it. Have fun ~♡

Arthur felt pain as the vampires fangs bit into his flesh. He felt the heat leave his body as he started to feel dizzy. He remembered he screamed at the pain and that he passed out when his body hit the concrete.

Alfred was too late.

He lunged forward to get the vampire but she dispersed in a cloud of black smock before he could get her. He turned around to look for her; but she was gone.

He then kneeled down by Arthur's side and looked at him horrified.

"Arthur... I'm so sorry..." He said with tears in his eyes as he picked up the Brit in his arms. "Fuck! I'm so sorry...!" Arthur wasn't a vampire yet, it takes a couple of hours for the venom to spread though the system, so he still has a chance. And then a thought popped into the werewolves head.


In a peaceful neighbourhood not far from the University Alfred and Arthur go to lives a young girl. She was peacefully enjoyin her after noon until someone knocked on her door.

When she opend the door she was surprised to see Alfred holding Arthur closely to his chest.

"Elizabeth, I need your help." Alfred panted as he looked at her worryingly. She moved aside to let the werewolf in and place Arthur down on her couch.

"What happen." She ran over to Alfred and felt her stomach drop when she noticed the bite marks on Arthur's neck.

"Was he...?"

"Liz I need you to heal him."

"Alfred I don't know if I have that type of power."

"You're a witch aren't you?" Elizabeth didn't answer Alfred when he looked at her. She thought for a second then took a deep breath and nodded confidently.

"I can and I will." She smiled and rolled up her sleeves as she walked to one of the book shelves. She took out a black book and opend to a page as she placed it on the coffee table. She then went upstairs and came back after a minute with some bottles and a rag. She placed the bottles down and opened them one by one.

She looked at her book and mumbled quietly as she read. Taking the rage in one hand she picked up the different bottles and poured small amounts of the differently colored liquids onto the cloth.

She turned back to the book. She read over it one more time before she rolled the cloth into a ball in both of her hands. She fiddled with the cloth as she closed her eyes and mumbled quietly the spell.

The rag in her hands glowed a mixture of white and yellow before it stopped and she opend her eyes again.

She bowed her head as a way to say thank you to a unknowable God before she moved quickly. She tilted Arthur's head to one side so she could place the rag on his neck. She then got up and quickly left the room.

She came back with another bottle and a needle.

"What are you going to do?" Alfred asked looking at the needle.

"The venom is in his system, my magic helps it from spreading and this potion will kill the virus." She sat down on the couch and placed Arthur head on her lay as she prepared the needle.

"Wow Liz, is it really that easy?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"No... but this is my grandma's secret. This is less... painful..."


"How did you and your brother and Roderich change? Painfully right?" Alfred nodded.

"It's the same as vampires, except it only hurts once."

She slowly lifted Arthur's head to get a better angle. She then slowly pushed the needled in through one of the bite marks. Arthur winced in his sleep, his brows frowning as the needled pushed deeper.

Elizabeth sighed and took the needle out and placed it on the table. She ran her fingers throught his blond locks and smiled.

"He's going to be fine." Alfred sighed in relief. Elizabeth moved Arthur's head off of her lap and got up. "He'll wake up soon, I'm sure you want to go home." Alfred nodded and moved to the couch to pick up the sleeping Brit. He smiled when Arthur nuzzled himself closer to Alfred's chest.

"Thank you so much Liz."

"You're welcome, but Alfred if I were you I would change Arthur soon, you know I'll lose my magic when I change."

"Are you and Roderich going to wait till Spring?"

"Yeah, he wants me to enjoy being a witch for a little longer." Alfred frowned and looked down at the smaller man.

"I'm not forcing you, that vampire might come back and wouldn't it be better if her bite didn't work?" Alfred smiled and turned around to leave. He looked back and smiled at Elizabeth before leave to head home with Arthur in his arms.

AN- That's it, sorry it was a bit late. I was feeling sick. But here it is, hopefully it was good. Thank you for reading. ~♡

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