Chapter 14

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Hello and welcome to chapter 14. I hope you're all enjoying the story. It's really fun to write it! Have fun ~♡

"Oh looks like the pup made it back home safe." Antonio teased as Alfred walked through the door.

The Alpha shared her houe with all the pack members. Some lived with her and some came over from time to time. It was a rather large house with plenty of room.

Alfred know he was going to have hell from the other wolves as to why he didn't come last night.

"Shut the fuck up." He hissed at the dark haired man.

"What did you say!?"

"Calling me a pup, if anyone here's a pup then it's Ludwig mate Feliciano, he's the news wolf." He crossed his arms.

"Alright Al that's enough, you might be strong but you know Ludwig would bet the crap out of you." Mathew said stepping infront of his brother. Alfred sighed and scratched his head.

"Oh wow Alfred, I thought you got hit by a car." Francis said walking up to them.

"No I didn't get hit by a car. I was somewhere eles."

"Where exactly were you Alfred?" Everyone went quite as Scarlet walked into the room, her arms folded and her face cold.

Alfred swallowed before answering. "I was with Arthur."

"A human, while you were a wolf?"


"So he knows you're a werewolf then?"

Alfred nerowed his eyes. She already knew that Arthur knows about werewolves, she's the one who threatened him, and yet she wants to put on a show.

"It's just like you Alpha." Alfred mumbled. "Yes he knows... I plan on making him my mate."

Scarlet's eyes nerowed as they both glanced at each other, blue meeting dark green. Everyone in the room watched, waiting to see if a fight would break out.

"You plan on making him a wolf."

"Yes I do. Matting season is coming in the Spring and I plan on making him my mate, before or during matting season."

"I am your Alpha." She walked up to him. "And I forbid it." The closer she was the more intimidating she was, but Alfred wasn't backing down.

"You can't forbid it, I haven't done anything. We listen to you, but as far as love goes that's our own choice."

"You can't!"


"Because he's a hunter!" Alfred was shocked into silence as his eyes widened and he moved back just a little. She sighed, her expression softing just a bit. "He's a hunter..."

Alfred shook his head in disbelief. "No he's not! If he was he would have killed me! And you and everyone eles here. He was surprised to know I was a wolf!" Alfred yelled.

"He's from a hunter family, Kirkland is his last name, right? He comes from a generation of hunters. I know that much... I can't say that he's a hunter himself though..."

"Kir?" Matthew said quietly. The two looked at the blond. "The rings you found when we were cleaning grandfathers attic."

"The night we changed?" Alfred asked.

"Remember that one ring that had the letters Kir on it. We thought it might be a girls name." Mathew replied.

"Kirkland, those must have bine hunter rings." Scarlet said bringing the boys attached back to her. "Hunters are almost extinced that's why you never heard of them. The rings they used had different ability to kill different creators."

"So what? That doesn't change a thing. So what if he comes from hunters, Arthur isn't a hunter so he isn't a problem." Scarlet was about to speak again before Ludwig interrupted her.

"With all do respect Alpha, if this Kirkland boy isn't a hunter then I don't see the problem. If Alfred cares for him and loves him enough to make him a wolf. Then they should be happy." Alfred smiled at the German. Scarlet sighed, she tucked a piece of red hair behind her ear.

"Alright..." she said quietly in defeat.


Arthur waited quietly for his cousin at the airport. He looked around the crowd of people waiting for other people too. He looked down at his pocket as he felt his phone buzz.

Hi! Hope u aren't bored. I talked 2 the pack and told them about u. Scarlet was mad but then Ludwig (a German, I'm sure you'll love him) helped me out and their cool with it. Antonio even said u could come over and met the pack, they all want to u! Tell Alistair the hero said hi!

Arthur rolled his eyes and smiled while he wrote back.

Alright love will do. And I would like to met your pack. And tell Ludwig thank you and Antonio I would love to met him one day.

Arthur put away his phone when he spotted his cousins ginger hair.

"It's good to see you cousin." Alistair said with a smile as he walked towards the Brit. Arthur stared at him in shock.

"Good? You hate me." The Scot laughed and swung one arm around Arthur's shoulders.

"I'm here for a reason cousin, and sadly you're part of the reason. So I gotta be nice to you." Arthur frowned but didn't think anything of it as he helped with the luggage.

AN- That's it for this chapter. Can't wait till the next one! Thank you for reading ~♡

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