Chapter 7

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Hello and welcome! I hope you've had a wonderful week and that you're ready for a new chapter. Have fun ~♡

Alfred ran off into the dark forest leave Arthur alone and very confused.

He tightened his grip on the shirt as he thought about what just happened. He never seen Alfred like that, he looked so intimidating, the look in his eyes was like that of a stranger. So without any chose Arthur got up and put on the shirt; even though it was a little big for him. And sat down again waiting alone in the middle of the forest where he was just threatened by Alfred.

This wasn't what he was expecting.


He waited quietly on the forest floor. Hugging his legs when he heared howls come from different directions. He didn't know that there were wolves in this forest. But if there where wolves then what other big and dangerous animals could be in the forest.

After a few minutes he heard some leaves rustling. He leaned back on the tree, not knowing what to expect. A crazed cultists? Alfred shirtless telling him it was a joke, the Brit frowned and made a mental note to slap the annoying American.

But instead of a person it was a blond colored dog, a wolf to be exact.

He leaned back further on the tree as the wolf came closer without hesitation.

"Umm... good doggy..." Arthur muttered as he tried his best to remain calm. He didn't want to panic and scare the wolf, because then the wolf might attack him. But the wolf stopped and sat down infront of Arthur and tilted it's head to the side as it looked at the Brit in the oversized shirt. The wolves nose twitched as it was smelling the air.

"What?" Arthur asked after a minute of the animal just staring at him.

The wolf stood up and came closer to Arthur. Arthur yelped quietly when he felt the large animal nuzzle it's nose into the shirt. Arthur looked at the wolf for a minute, confused but then he started to laugh. The warm breath of the wolf tickling his stomach. He reached out and hesitated for a moment before placing a hand on the head of the wolf.

The fur was softer then he thought as he ran his fingers through the wolves blond fur. The wolf pulled away from the shirt, his blue eyes looking at Arthur. For a moment Arthur thought he sow a jolt of happiness in the animals obnoxiously blue eyes, but the wolf instead layed down on it's stomach and placed it's head on Arthur's lap, it's large head resting on his uperthigh.

The Brit sighed and petted the wolf again.

"Alfred...?" He asked quietly. The wolf whimpered and shifted to get more conftrible.

"I knew it was you... you're always so cuddly with me..." The wolf whimpered again as Arthur's fingers brushed over his cowlick that he still had. "And plus you still have this ridiculous piece of hair on you." Arthur said and gentaly pulled on the hair; which made Alfred shifted again in his lap.

"You have a lot of explaining to do."


"So what exactly was that yesterday?" Arthur asked as he took a sip of his morning tea.

After the sun came back up and Alfred changed back into two left they left forest and went home without a word. Though Alfred promised he would explain when they ate breakfast. So here they where, Alfred leaning against the counter top while he drank a cup of coffee and Arthur was sitting at the small table with his tea.

Alfred took a sip and breathed in deeply before he spock. "I'm a werewolf..."

"I guessed that by you turning into a dog-"

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