Chapter 31

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Hello and welcome to a new chapter! I'm sad to say that the next chapter will be the end. But we still have this chapter, have fun ~♡

Arthur looked at the Russian werewolf that stood tall in front of him, his large hands covered in blood. 


"Why are you here Arthur?" Arthur was going to answer but couldn't find the words, Ivan's tone of voice scared him and even though they were in the same pack he couldn't help but be scared of the bigger wolf.

"I- um... I was w- worried about Alfred..." Arthur stuttered. Ivan kept that same face as he looked at Arthur's leg.

"You're hurt..."

"It's nothing...!" Ivan's face dropped just a little at the lie. Arthur laughed nervously but stopped when a hand was offered to help him up on his feet. Arthur looked at him for a moment before he took the hand and was slowly pulled up to his feet.

"Do you think you can walk?" Arthur nodded and placed a hand on the Russian shoulder. Ivan wrapped an arm around Arthur's waist and started to walk slowly.


The two slowly made their way through the thick forest as the rain continued to fall down. Arthur winced every onc in awhile when Ivan walked too fast, which made the other ask if he was ok and slow down. Soon the group of wolves were in view. Francis was the first to notice they two.


"Amigo are you alright?"

"Arthur?" Arthur smiled and nodded at his worried friends.

"I'm fine I just got hurt..."

"He broke his leg and got attacked." Ivan added.

"If you're hurt then we need to heal you up." Ludwig said overhearing the conversation.

Ivan nodded and moved twoads a rock so Arthur could sit on it. Arthur sat down and didn't look at the other werewolves. He was surprised and somewhat heartwarmed that Alfred was the one taking care of him, even though he didn't say anything to him.

After Arthur leg was wrapped up Alfred finally spock.

"Why are you here?"

"Because you lied to me..."


"You didn't say you were going after the vampire... I was... w- worried about you..." Arthur said not looking at his mate as he's cheek flushed.

"I suppose I did." Alfred laughed quietly and placed a hand on his head. "But you still got hurt... we can't go back, not like this. So you'll have to stay, m'kay?" Arthur nodded and looked up to meet Alfred's eyes.

"Well isn't this cute." Arthur, Alfred, and the rest of the group looked over to see a small group of vampires. The first vampire, Arthur noticed was the girl; the same one who bite him.

"You attacked our alpha." Ludwig said firmly.

"Did we?" One of the vampire said smugly.

"You broke one of the rules that not only werewolves have but all supernatural creatures have."

"We stopped caring about rules. These rules are the reason why we're equal." The girl responded.

"And you don't want that?" Antonio asked.

"No... my husband, the one that was killed by the hunter, wanted to change the balance. That's why he wanted those hunter rings."

"Alfred." Alfred nodded and placed a hand over Arthur's eyes and his other hand around Arthur's waist.

"What are you-" He was cut off by the sound of fighting. Snarles, growls, and screaming rang through the forest but Arthur couldn't see any of it.

"Alfred!" Arthur pulled at the hand that was covering his eyes.

"You don't need to see this..." Alfred whispered into his ear and held him close. Arthur continued to struggled as the sounds started to fade.

After the sounds complete faded Alfred remove his hand. The vampires were dead and the werewolves stained in blood.

AN- Well that's it! I'm so happy for all of the support you all give to this story. It warms my heart to see how much you all love this story. Thank you for reading ~♡

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