part 24

9 0 0

songs :

• the renegade never dies - night lovell
• end of the story - hucci
• possibility - lyyke li

[caleb's pov]
that could kill her.. i need to get her out of here.
right now.
they unlock her handcuffs with a small key and she lays against the wall.
she puts her head in her hands and is breathing heavily.. it's already starting.
finally, an idea pops into my head.
the blonde man with the key approaches the stairs, so i stick my leg out further. he trips and the key slips out of his hand onto the concrete.
i try to slide my shoe on top of it to bring it closer to me, but he's quick to stand up.
i kick him directly in the balls & he falls to the ground.
i then slide the key as far up as i can, trying to reach my handcuffed hands.
then, i hear a crack. it's the blonde guy's head against the floor.
vanessa is now running to me. her pupils are extremely dilated & she's sweating.
"vanessa, it's me.. don't worry." i mumble.
the other men are talking in the corner, completely oblivious to what is happening.
"i-i can't focus much longer.. get yourself out of here. call damien..." she whispers, using the key to unlock my handcuffs.
she hands me her phone, "my passcode is your name. my phone tracks all of it's locations.. you'll know where we were. now run."
i get up from the floor & grab an axe that is leaning up against the wall.
the men spin around, "what the--"
i lift it and slam it into one of their skulls, then into the other one's stomach.
blood sprays out from the wounds & they scream in pain.
one of them coughs up blood before they fall to the floor.
vanessa starts laughing and spinning around in circles.
fucking hell-- this will be fun.
i drop the axe, ignoring the blood splattered on me.
i pull out vanessa's phone and type in my name.
sure enough, it works.
i open her contact list as fast as possible, finding damien's name.
she has low battery.. i need to be fast.
please don't be sleeping... please don't be sleeping.
i listen to the rings-- and on the last one, it connects.
"vanessa?" damien says.
"damien! find her iphone on your map right fucking now-- come get us.. and fast. it's a long story.. but she's high on cocaine right now." i say.
"fuck! i'll be right there." damien says.
i hang up the phone and slide it in my back pocket, ignoring the blood that got on the screen.
she's still laughing but this time she's laying on the ground.
"come on..." i say, trying to help her up.
she grabs me eagerly and kisses me.
i pull away, reminding myself of the situation.
"come on? how about you come on and have some fun with me?" she giggles.
my heart rate speeds up a little.
she's laughing hysterically.. and then i hear her start crying. the weird part is that she's still smiling.
you have to think.. think! what can i do?
"follow me!" i yell, making it sound like a game.
she laughs and sure enough, she follows me as i go upstairs.
damien better get here fast. where are we?
when we reach the top of the stairs, i notice it's a shitty house.
the tv is turned on in the living room.. is anyone else here? we need to be careful.
i pull on her hand as we head to the front door.
"hey!" a voice calls out.
i look around quickly for some sort of weapon, but i can't find anything quick enough.
he grabs vanessa and i punch him in the face.
he throws a punch but i duck just in time.
i push him closer to the stairs and kick him as hard as possible. he tumbles & crashes all the way down.
i turn around to see vanessa in front of an open drawer with a knife up to her neck.
"no! vanessa, stop it!" i scream.
her eyes glance over to me but she just smiles.
"the voices want me gone, caleb. don't you?" she asks with a smile.
i walk to her slowly, "no... no i don't.."
suddenly, she blinks rapidly.
"g-grandma?" she says.
here come the hallucinations... fuck.
where is damien?
she turns around and i grab the knife from her, throwing it across the room.
"no!" she screams, hitting my chest.
it actually hurts pretty bad but i just pull her into my arms and try to calm her down.
she's shaking super bad & she instantly heats me up. her heart rate is the fastest i've ever felt it.
then, headlights. headlights in the driveway.
"let's go.." i whisper, leading her to the door.
damien rushes to the porch, a gun in his hand.
"it's clear, get her in the front seat." i order.
he takes her from me and leads her to the passenger seat.
i slide into the backseat. she's crying so hard and it makes my heart break..
please.. please be okay.

[vanessa's pov]
the feeling was like no other.. a rush-- a rush of energy, excitement & pleasure.
it's changing, it's all changing. it's almost like i can taste my heartbeat. everything is dark, everything is dull.. i hate it.
i start crying & lean on the door.
"i just want to die... someone kill me!" i yell.
the car begins to move & i feel everything continue to go hazy.
"wanna explain what's going on?" damien says to caleb.
caleb's voice echoes through my head.. i just want to go home..

i look around my bedroom... there are eyes everywhere.
"who are you?" i ask.
"who is who? we're right here, vanessa.. it's okay." damien whispers, pushing my hair out of my face.
i blink a few times and the eyes disappear.
caleb hands me a glass of water and i take a sip.
i feel disgusting-- i feel awful.
i stare off into the distance.. everything is so numb inside of me.. more numb than i normally feel.
i hate this.. and i keep shaking. my body aches.. i'm super nauseous... this isn't fun.
"maybe you should get some sleep...?" damien suggests.
i feel completely empty.. drained..
then tears start flowing down my cheeks.
i look up at both of them, "they-they wanted me to kill you guys... i-i could have.. you would be..."
"hey, shh.. we're okay, you'll be okay.." damien assures me.
i try to take a deep breathe, but it just sounds like a shaky gasp.
damien reaches over and massages my back.. which actually feels quite lovely.
i feel myself relax for just a moment.. and it's a nice relief.
"i know some stuff about withdrawals.. does your body ache?" he asks.
i nod & lean into his touch slightly.
"let me go get you some more water." damien says before leaving the room with the empty glass.
caleb looks at me & i can't help but start crying.
looking at him hurts.. where did i go so wrong?
"say something.. please.." i beg.
he shakes his head, "i'm sorry, vanessa.."
i just sigh and lay back in my bed, closing my eyes.
he walks in front of me quickly.
"could.. could i.. try something?" he asks.
i slowly nod.
i feel his body on top of mine, and his soft lips connecting with mine.
i feel really numb.. but somehow i can feel that spark inside of me.
we disconnect and share one last short kiss before he gets off of me.
i feel a small smile tug at my lips.
"got your water." damien says.
caleb takes a deep breathe, "i better be going.. goodnight, vanessa. sleep well."
"thank you.. for everything.." i mumble.
"yeah, thank you.. truly." damien adds.
i don't hear anything else, except i can feel the room get colder when he leaves.
i crawl up further on the bed and sink into the soft blankets & pillows.
"get some sleep.. okay? i'm one room over if you need anything." he says, kissing me on the forehead.
i nod & give him a small smile.
he leaves the room & shuts the door behind him.
i can't stop the tears that fall before i drift asleep.

i wake up & look around.. it's not morning yet.
i have a raging headache.. i'm so nauseous.. every part of my body aches.
then, in the corner of my room i can see a black shadow with glowing eyes.
"who are you?" i whisper.
it disappears and appears to the other side of the room, this time.. with another by it's side.
then another one appears, and another one.. and another one.
they're multiplying so fast that the room is being swallowed by the darkness.
i feel fear arise in my body & i let out a scream.
i hear damien whip open my door & rush in.
"whoa, what's wrong? are you okay?" he asks.
he sits next to me on the bed.
i open my eyes and the room looks normal.. just like it always did.
i blink, "there-there were shadows.. with glowing eyes.. and.. and.."
he continues to stare at me with sad eyes and i just stop talking.
i walk with damien to his room, he insisted that i sleep next to him tonight.

the thoughts overwhelm my brain.

i didn't need the cocaine to prove this to me.. did it help? absolutely not.. but even without it.. oh my god.

you are broken, vanessa.

you are... deranged.

hey bitches

i'm so fucking idek

hope you are doing well(:

thanks for reading!! xo

- adrianna

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