Author's note

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*skip it if you want* :p

No, don't skip.

Okey... uhm...

This is my second fanfiction of Kuroko no Basuke featuring Akashi Seijuro. (X OC).

I definitely do not own Kuroko no Basuke or any of its characters. Kuroko no Basuke is owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi and all rights reserved. I only own the characters/OC made for the fiction and the plot of the story.

This plot of this story is originally my idea, based on my imagaination and creativity (!). But the girl who helped me willingly and inspired me (like she always does) is @Meemchow. I thank for all your efforts for this damsel author.

Some of the sceneries, incidents are inspired from real life, song, quotations etc. And obviously, the pictures that will appear in the chapters are not mine.

I love writing and I spend a pretty good amount of time behind it. So I definitely won't appreciate if you steal or copy my work or do any type of underhanded things like these. If you want to borrow any part or scenery of my story, you can ask me. And the percentage of not giving you permission for that is under 0.001%. So, feel free.

Another thing, this story might contain mentally and physically abuse, suicide mentions, self harm, foul language and so forth. And this story is majorly twisted. (like my thoughts). So, if you are sensitive with this kind of things read it with caution though nothing is that much graphic or explicit.

You've been warned lmao.

I heartily welcome criticisms and advice to improve my writing. Because there will be lots of mistakes along the way. So, feel free.

However I will not tolerate any sorts of impolite or horrible words about me or my story. Frankly speaking, I have experience with that type of negative words thrown at me and it definitely didn't feel good.
I didn't like it. I'm not that kind of person.

The gif in the media means nothing.

I hope you enjoy the story.

Thank you♡

||By my leave||

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