Chapter 23: Parallel lives

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I ran around the café like a headless chicken. Literally a headless chicken. In fact, all the staffs were.

There were two days of the week, we had to act like this; Sunday and Friday. The entire café would be bustling with customers from all around the town as if we were giving coffees and cookies for free. The café was not so much big to begin with so it was really hard to handle when it was filled with customers.

We always tried to keep the customers satisfied and happy even if that meant working our asses off. As long as the customers were happy, Mrs. Nakamoto was happy. And you never ever want to be on Mrs. Nakamoto's bad side.

And it was one of those days. A bright Sunday morning. Birds were chirping and some headless chickens were running around in the Sherry's Café.

I handed the seven orders I collected, to Ukita on the counter who was already busy handling three or four other customers. Kajuma was on the kitchen, I could heard his exasperated groan now and then whenever I passed by the counter. Tsunada's orange head ran around the place, trying to handle every single customer with her sweet smile. And then there was Shu; calm and collected, efficiently taking all the orders around him and placing them on the counter. He even helped me out by taking some of my orders too.

I exhaled as I approached another customer with a tired smile. It was already 5 am. I needed a break. Badly.

"Hello sir. What can I get for you?"

"An espresso, hurry up!" The man said roughly.

Ninth mean one of the day. I said to myself bitterly. I sighed and still smiled. "Anything else, sir?"

"No, just get this one in time!"

"Sure, sir. Just five minutes."

"Hurry up!"

I scowled as soon as I faced away from the man. What a rude one!

I came face to face with a broad chest as soon as I turned around and I realized in horror that it was a customer. I bowed instantly without even looking up.

"I'm extremely sorry, sir!" I apologized hurriedly. Don't this be a mean one, don't this be a mean one!!

"It's okay." A deep, familiar voice said.

I looked up hearing the voice. I expected to see him but not today. Not this soon. Akashi Seijuro. And, why the hell do I always bump into him anyway??

"Should I get you a seat, sir?" I asked politely and softly, not letting my personal matters muddle with my job.


I led him to an empty table beside the window. I felt his gaze on me time to time and I was surprised to see him here, all alone. He was wearing casual clothes- a maroon jacket with a black t shirt and black jeans. It surprised me even more.

"What can I get for you, sir?"

"An Americano only."

"Anything else?"

When I got no response from the red haired guy in front of me, I looked up from my notepad, confused. My pale blue orbs met his intense crimson ones and a shiver ran down my spine. Why?

"If possible, a lunch with you too." He said as a matter of fact. As if it's the most normal thing on this planet.

My breath hitched. I was taken aback at his spontaneity for a moment, then I collected myself. "But it's not lunchtime yet."

"I can wait." He said in boredom.

"You, of all people, will wait for someone? Now that's something new..." I scoffed sarcastically and bit my tongue immediately. I just couldn't hold back my sarcasm with this guy. He's here as a customer, get yourself together!

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