Chapter 7: The game begins

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Today I was extra exhausted from all the club activities at the college. I was a member of the swim club as I always loved swimming. Whenever I go down into a swimming pool, it kind of takes off all my tiredness and stress of the day. It really felt good when you had some kind of hobby that helps you to forget all the hardships of life and helps you to enjoy the moment.

I entered the café through the back door, swinging my brown, old leather bag over my slump shoulder. It had such a ghastly color, my bag, that sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed to carry it around all the places. Not like I had any choice though, because that was the only bag I had. There were plenty of customers today, even at this hour. I greeted everyone at the counter and quickly changed into my working clothes skirts and all.

I was ready to get to work when I saw Tsunada talking to Mrs. Nakamoto about something. It looked like something serious because Tsunada seemed like she was pleading about something and had those sad puppy eyes.

"Please, Nakamoto-san!" Tsunada pleaded clasping her hands together. "I promise I will be back before 6:00."

"No, Tsunada." Mrs. Nakamoto said firmly. "I said you can leave only if someone takes your duty for today."

"What happened?" I approached them.

"Ena-chan!!" Tsunada cried. "Nakamoto-san is being mean to me!" I raised my eyebrows at this. 

Mrs. Nakamoto rolled her eyes. "She wants to take a leave for 4 hours. I already told her she can only if someone else takes her duty."

I looked at the weeping orange haired girl in front of me quizzically.

"I had a date with my boyfriend." She whispered in my ear blushing like a tomato. Yes, a freaking ripe tomato.

"I heard that." Mrs. Nakamoto said. Tsunada groaned. 

"Well, I can take her duty for today if that's okay with you." I suggested it to Mrs. Nakamoto. 

She frowned. "But you're already coming here from your college. I can tell you're not getting enough rest by those bags under your eyes. This will put a lot of strain on your body."

"Thank you for your concern, Nakamoto-san. But I insist." I smiled gently. "And I have a pretty strong body in case you're worried."

Before Mrs. Nakamoto can say anything Tsunada tackled me into a tight bear hug. "Thank you soooo much, Ena-chan!!" She squealed.

I chuckled lightly. "Okay, okay. Just don't forget to return early."

She nodded, grinning. "Sure! I totally owe you one." With that she got out of the cafe not before giving me and Mrs. Nakamoto another tight hug.

"What are you waiting for now? Get back to work." Mrs. Nakamoto ordered me sternly. 

I saluted. "Yes, ma'am."

*** *** ***

"Now I really regret my decision." I muttered to myself as I served the twentieth table of the day. The customers kept coming even when the whole cafe was already packed and it just made me curse myself even more. As if all the people of Kyoto thought we were serving free dinner and free desserts with free tickets to Osaka. When we weren't. 

"Excuse me, where is my coffee?" A lady customer asked me annoyed.

"Coming right away, ma'am." I smiled politely. 'What?! She ordered like three minutes ago?!'

I quickly strode towards the counter while taking another bunch of orders on my way and grabbed the caramel coffee Kazuma prepared. I served the caramel coffee to the lady and proceeded to take another order from another customer.

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