Chapter 16: Again confrontation

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"What did you talk with Aihana?" Akashi asked me harshly as he slammed me against the locker of the dressing room hard.

If you think that there was pretty intense sexual tension going on between us then you're totally wrong. If anything our eyes were glaring at each other as if we would've ripped each other's head off if there was no one around to witness. Well, there wasn't anyone actually. We were alone in the room, but I know there were people outside the room. Curious people.

"Why ask me?!" I spat and tried to jerk my arm away from his tight grip. His touch burned me. "Can't you just ask your pretty little girlfriend?"

"Just answer me, Ena." His sharp glare sliced me into halves. "You'll regret it otherwise."

I gritted my teeth in agony and anger.

Apparently, Akashi- my ex husband -showed up at Sherry's café in the evening and asked for me. Ms. Nakamoto was more than happy to send me to him with a smile as she thought he was some sort of an admirer of mine.

If only she had any idea...

He asked for privacy and after giving him a pissed off eye roll, I took him to the empty staff room. And this was where it got me.

"She's the one who wanted to meet with me in the first place!" I bit back and shoved his hands away from my arms. "And don't touch me!"

He took his hand back slowly and stared at me. "What did she say?"

"Why not ask her?" I gritted my teeth. "I'm sure she'll be happy to answer all of your questions!"

"I ordered you to tell me."


It was one of those rare times when I completely lost my mind and screamed so loudly. I don't usually yell or shout at people and I hardly raised my voice against Akashi when we were together, but he was deliberately pushing my buttons here and I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't going to take it anymore. He had to know he had no rights or whatsoever on me.

I noticed Akashi's red and golden heterochromatic eyes painted with slight surprise. He didn't show much though as he turned stone faced again.

We remained motionless for a while. My face was red and I was panting heavily while he continued to stay expressionless as if waiting for me to catch my breath. He just stood there and observed my every movement with calculating eyes.

"Tell me." He demanded. "I'm asking you for the last time."

I took a deep breath with closed eyes, then opened my eyes. "Screw you."

His glare intensified as he suddenly grabbed at my wrists tightly, pushed them above my head and slammed me against the locker again. He was glaring at me murderously as if he wanted to rip off my limbs. His hot minty breath fanned on my sweaty face as his body grazed against me. I stared at him wide eyed as my breathing stopped for a second. I tried to knee him in his crotch, but he pushed his one knee between my legs blocking all of my chances to attack him. I was left totally helpless against him.

Helpless. A word I truly hate. And something I had been all my life.

"Why do you want to know it so badly?" I whispered quietly. "Why are you doing this to me? I left you for good, didn't I? Just like you asked, I left you alone for the rest of your life. Just like you wanted. Now when we meet again, you're doing this to me again. Why? "

His expression shifted ever so slightly. He looked at me with an unknown emotion etched on his face. "You tell me. Why are you doing this to me?"

I was confused. "What did I do?"

He stared at me as if searching for something in my face. "I looked for you for all these years."


"I wanted to say something to you for all these years."

I was left speechless and thundered. What was he even saying?! Is this the real Akashi Seijuro?! I looked into his eyes.

What did he mean by he looked for me for all these years? He was the one who accused me of all those dirty and pointless things. He called me a slut. He was the one who divorced me and kicked me out on the streets. Now he was saying that he was looking for me to say something?

I couldn't utter a single word as I stare at him with cold eyes.

"You could've looked for me at the streets and slums, you know." Bitter, I grinned at him venomously. "Who knows? Could've found me if I ended up there and that wasn't really impossible, you know, knowing how you left me literally broke."

His grip around my wrists tightened as he glared at me. I grinned wider like a complete mad woman. "Or better if I ended up in a whorehouse. After all, you're the one who labelled me as that." I finished with a deadly voice laced with toxin.

I noticed with utter surprise, his face fell at my snarky blunt remark. His expression was somber and guilt was the only thing that I could see in his eyes. Though he didn't say a word. His grip on my wrist loosened a bit. A slight bit.

But I showed him no mercy. This sudden desire to hurt him with words in every way possible intensified within me.

"And why did you look for me anyway?" I tried my best to hide my pain and look as cold as possible. "To carry out your mission 'to kill me slowly' in one go?"

This time his emotionless facade totally fell off his face as he looked at me with painful eyes. This was the part only I could bring out of this red haired man. The pain, the guilt, the emotions he felt. I always did.

"Ena," He muttered softly. "You really think I would've killed you that time?"

I stared at him.

I stared at him for the longest of time.

I stared at him as I remembered those times when I loved him.

I stared at him as my heart remembered of all those hard and dark times I faced because of him.

I stared at him as my mind played back all those sleepless nights I spent crying for him.

I stared at him as my brain reminded me of all those false accusations.

I stared at him as I remembered all those dirty insults he threw at me.

I just stared at him.

"Yes." I finally answered firmly. "I did."

His warm hands let go of my hands slowly. I pulled my arms down and rubbed my wrists to ease the itching sensation.

He looked downwards. His crimson bangs hid his heterochromatic orbs as his shadowed expression remained unreadable. For the first time in my life, I saw his stance become totally helpless and defeated except for that time when he lost the Winter Cup final with Seirin during high school first year.

But he quickly regained his composure. He looked up at me with his cold blank eyes. "I see." He said.

I said nothing.

"You don't have to answer anything anymore." He said with a dead voice. "And don't bother about what I said earlier."

Again, I said nothing. 'Don't worry. I would never bother.'

He turned away and went toward the exit door without even glancing at me for one time. Suddenly, my heart welled up with a very foreign and unidentified emotions watching the crimson haired man walk away from me.

The man I once loved.

The man who loved me once.

Before he could get out of the dressing room, my heart decided to rebel against my rational brain and my lips acted on it's own before I could stop.

"What did you want to say to me?... After all this years?" I asked in a voice softer than ever. I regretted it as soon as I asked it.

He didn't bother to look back at me but halted in his track. He looked to his side slightly to glance at me with the corner of his eye.

"That instead of divorcing you and letting you go, I should've killed you for what you have done."

Then he was out.



If some of you are frowning at Akashi's last statement then let me tell you, I have a very twisted plot in my head for this story 😏😏 and working on it accordingly. *evil grin*

And those who enjoyed this crazy chapter, GIVE ME FIVE!!! 😄😄 I had fun writing this just as fun as you had reading!!

Thank you for all those sweet comments about Akashi and Ena. 🖤💟🖤💟 It really warms my heart to know that how much you guys ship them😙😙 (even though sometimes I make you guys hate Akashi way too much😈😈).
Your comments really makes my day even though my real life is an absolute shit.


||By my leave||

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