Chapter 17: Yellow

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'No, this is too bright...'

'No, it's way too bland...'

'It's too eye catching... It won't suit her...'

'This one won't go with her brown hair.'

I couldn't find the right color. I searched almost all the shops of the mall, but couldn't find the exact color I wanted. And now I am tired.

Tomorrow was Haruka's birthday and her favorite color was yellow. A light and soft yellow like you see in daffodils. So I wanted to buy her something yellow but nothing was matching the color I had in my mind. I searched through the entire clothing section for two hours. But nothing.

I got out of the store completely frustrated. I looked around the mall. It was the biggest mall of the town where I usually never come and it wasn't much crowded like I thought. Maybe there were not many rich people in this town like I thought.

I pushed my short dark blue bangs on my forehead backwards. It was Sunday and I wasn't planning to spend the entire day behind this shopping. But I couldn't find anything perfect for Haruka and I really wanted to give her something special with my own hard earned salary.

I turned around to venture into another store, but suddenly bumped into something hard- or rather someone. I lost my balance and was almost going to fall, getting ready for the painful impact but it never came. A strong arm quickly grabbed my waist and saved me from falling.

But I don't like it when people touch me out of no where. I would rather fall down.

I looked at the stranger annoyed.

He was very tall and had jet black hair. His dark bangs was shadowing his calm yet deep blue eyes, making them more mysterious. He had an aura of his own.

I sighed in relief. It was none other than Shu. What was he doing here?

He released me from his grip like nothing happened and I fixed my light gray sweatshirt. He looked at me calmly.

"What are you doing here?" I glared up at him.

He raised one eyebrow. "Is that something you should say to a guy who just helped you from falling?"

'I would rather fall.' I wanted to say, but of course, I didn't. You can't always say everything you want.

"Sorry," I sighed. "I was just having a shitty day. Thank you." I shouldn't act salty with him just because I was annoyed with something else.

"It was nothing."

"So, what brings you here? Or do you always hang out here during weekends?"

"Not always." He answered, looking around. "Just looking for something."

"What?" I asked curiously. "I was looking for something to buy too."

Maybe I showed too much curiosity or it was a dumb question or maybe it was against Shu's protocol to talk to people this long- which was more than three minutes probably. He didn't answer except staring at me coolly.

I gulped. "I-it's okay if you don't want to tell."

"It's not like that." He sighed. "But why do you look so scared?"

"... I am not scared." I mumbled out.

"Don't act like that around me." He said coldly. "I don't like it when people do that."

"But maybe people act like that because of you." I protested quickly and he looked at me, amused. "If you act a bit… friendly with everyone, listen to the people around you then maybe they won't act like that anymore. Maybe it's your own behavior that's making them act like that around you in the first place. You're unintentionally pushing everyone around you and that's not a very good thing."

He stared at me without saying a single word. Maybe I talked way too much than necessary. Maybe he doesn't do that unintentionally. Maybe people like me are way too bothersome for him to handle. Maybe he was annoyed at me now.

I sighed.

"Your pep talk was quite good." He said thoughtfully. "I'll think about it."

I looked at him surprised. Shu Denver- who never used to answer my questions back at the café- just said that he'll think about a suggestion I just made. Maybe he was not so bad. What was I talking about? He was never a bad guy in the first place. He saved me from Akashi twice.

No, don't think about that redhead midget, Ena!

"So, may I know what is it you're looking for?" He asked me.

I, again, looked at him astounded. "Um, well, my best friend's birthday is coming- tomorrow actually. And I couldn't find the right gift."

"Do you have anything particular in mind?"

"Actually, no. She loves yellow. So, I was looking for something yellow."

"Let's go to that store. I heard their collection is the best one in this mall."

He started walking toward a particular shop. I, still a bit dazed by his sudden friendly attitude, started following him to the shop.

It was the biggest clothing store in the whole mall and he was right; their collection was huge. The prices were not too cheap, as I guessed, but I had my one month's salary in my fat pocket and I was more than willing to spend a big amount for my best friend's gift. I wish I could buy something for me too, but that would be out of my budget plan.

I looked through the racks of clothes with Shu trailing behind me closely. He was suggesting something now and then, but I rejected all of them.

You should never take a boy's suggestion on girls' dresses seriously.

Suddenly something caught my eye. A light yellow oversized sweater with a cute panda face printed on the front. It was really cute, soft and fluffy and the color was just like I wanted. It was perfect for her and was totally her style.

I took the sweater from the rack and decided to ask Shu about his opinion. I was pretty sure he would like it too. Not that it mattered either way, but I wanted someone to share the opinion as me too.

I turned around quickly and guess what?

I bumped into something hard- or rather someone. Yes, again, for the second time.

I really was having a hilarious day, wasn't I?

Again I lost my balance. But this time I successfully fell down without having anyone to save me. ‘You did say that you'd rather fall.’ My own snarky thought came back to bite me.

I winced in pain as I fell on my butt harder than ever. The yellow sweater was still in my hand, I slowly looked up to glare at the person as hard as possible.

But instead my light blue eyes became wider than ever as my whole body froze.

Even though the person was not so tall, I could feel his intimidating aura down there. He had flaming red hair and fiery crimson eyes. Yes, it was none other than Akashi Seijuro.

I saw Shu coming towards me from afar with quick steps but before he had reached me I slowly got up on my own. I dusted off my backside and the yellow sweater in my hand calmly. A salesman was eyeing us but he didn't dare to approach us feeling Akashi's intimidating vibe.

I stared back at him, directly into his heterochromatic eyes.


A/N: I'm back!!

Get ready for another showdown in the next chapter!! 😋😋

Even though it was just a filler, how do you like this chapter? Tell me your thoughts.


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||By my leave||

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