Chapter 13: Why all the time

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Sometimes when I reminisce about my past, I think I was too soft on Akashi. I was too smitten with him. Sure, I was in love with him, but I let him say whatever he wanted about my character and instead of defending my pride, I begged him like a pathetic little girl. That moment I lost all my judgement, dignity and sanity, for a man who resented my very existence.

But I guess at that time, I was more scared of where I would go when Akashi kicked me out. The days in the streets were pure hell. I wandered around the town completely broke and homeless when I heard a news that Akashi's father sent him to Tokyo for family businesses. I didn't contact with Kuroko or any one of the Generation of Miracles either. I don't know why, but I felt kind of betrayed as I knew Kuroko didn't call me from the goodness of his mind but because Akashi told him to. I know I shouldn't feel this way as the only one to blame was me and my brutal luck but I just couldn't help it.

I didn't expect that from him at least. He was a friend.

I blamed no one but me. It was easier that way.

Two months. I was in the streets penniless for two straight months before I got the scholarship in the Kyoto National College and met my best friend Haruka. Even though it took a lot to make me trust her with my secrets and all and eventually I found out that she was one of the most genuine and warm hearted people out there. She appeared to me as an angel descended from the heaven at that time. She let me stay in her home for some time before I found a cheap and very small apartment. I had a little money in my savings so she again helped me financially until I got the job. Even though I said I would pay her back, she declined my offer straightly. She said if friends wouldn't help each other then who would? Whenever I was depressed she would cheer me up and make me smile with her silly jokes.

Again, I found myself another friend, another anchor.

Maybe my luck wasn't that bad after all. Maybe the whole world would throw me away and leave me behind. But I always happen to find someone who would put my pieces back to the right place and support me. Even though they didn't necessarily stay by my side for all my life, but the moments I had with them was not a lie either.

First my mother.

Then my husband.

I sighed as I stood by the counter and looked at the cafe filled with customers. Mrs. Nakamoto ordered Tsunada (much to her dismay) to serve all the tables today since she didn't keep her promise the other day and because of that, Shu and I had to serve all the tables which didn't go particularly well for me either, meeting my crazy ex husband and all.

"One Caramel Mocha,  please." A very sweet voice chirped.

I snapped out of my daydream and looked at the familiar customer. I was astonished to see who it was.

It was the same girl. The same beautiful girl who came to Akashi the other day. Maybe his girlfriend or his fiancé or even better... his wife. I smiled a very bitter and coy smile.

"Coming right away." I quickly shuffled away to prepare her Caramel Mocha. I was a bit scared that if she came together with Akashi then I had to confront him too and I don't want that again. Not anymore.

I was making the drink and turned around to glance at the girl. She was still alone, no one came with her. I sighed in relief.

Looks like fate was on my side today. I approached the girl with a wide happy smile. "Here's your Cara--"

"Aihana. Be quick. I have an important meeting to attend."

Spoke too soon.

There he was standing with his all red hair and heterochromatic eyes glory and here I was frozen on my spot, blood running cold again. Akashi Seijuro; the devil himself came to ruin my rest of the day. Why do I keep freezing on my spot?

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