Chapter 39: Revelation

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As if a sledgehammer was being pounded inside my head, plummeting my brain into a soft mush all the while both of my ears kept ringing. As disgusting as the mental image was, I was not currently in a state where I could successfully imagine a definitive image of a smashed brain.

Painfully and very slowly I opened my eyes. Through my blurry vision, I saw that the room was dimly lit, a yellowish kind of light illuminated the place. I wanted to move my head to observe my surroundings and detect any possible presence of any human beings around me but the throbbing of my head was way too much string to ignore. The air smelt a bit damp and humid, I wonder where I was. I remained immovable on the wooden chair, my legs and hands tied behind me tightly with steel chains that rattled each time I moved any of my limbs and my head hanging low. The floor looked mouldy and old. Good thing they didn't blocked my vision unlike my limbs.

The question was who's they?

The last thing I remember was being in my room alone until a person crept behind me, they said some things and then I blacked out.

'Are they going to kill me?'

As serious and terrifying that might sound to a third person, the thought came to me in a strangely nonchalant manner. Almost lazily.

The skin behind my right ear was itching. I badly want to scratch that area but alas! My limbs were tied.

I was very slightly astonished at how eerily calm and collected I was. Even though I was never much of a panicky person in the first place but I had to admit that something was definitely wrong with me if I was not even panicking even when I'm supposedly kidnapped, tied, and alone in a what it seemed like an abandoned warehouse.

"Looks like you're finally awake," A voice said.

'Looks like I'm not so alone after all...'

I look up ignoring the sharp pain that shot inside my head the moment I lifted my head, and was met with a very familiar face and very unfamiliar pair of blue eyes. I wanted to let out a gasp but the amount of shock that hit me left me speechless for a moment.

"You..." I muttered.

"Yes, me. Surprised?"

"To be honest... yes."

"Then I guess I was perfectly successful in deceiving you for all these years." This was followed by an amused chuckle.


"Why are you so silent? Don't you have any questions, Ena?"

"I'm just thinking which one I should ask first,"

My statement was returned with another amused laugh. "You never fail to amuse me, Ena. If it means anything, I really enjoyed our time together."

"It doesn't mean anything now."

"Seems likely."

"Now who... are you?" I asked softly. "Who are you really?"

A very familiar maniacal grin spread across the person's face as soon as the question poured out of my lips. The grin was so unfamiliar on this face but there was a time I used to see this grin every single day. Hairs on my skin raised in alarm for the first time since I've awakened from my concussion and started denying the assumption that aroused in the back of my mind.

"Why, I'm your best friend Haruka, after all," She grinned wider. "Haruka Kajanoka."



"Agent Romanoff, you missed me?"

I'm back with a short chapter apparently and this book is nearly 50k; 43k+ to be exact, BUT WHO CARES! I'M BEYOND ECSTATIC!!! I know I've said it a lot of times now but really, THANK YOU💜💜!

Important: I don't know if any of you noticed but I started editing and rewriting this book. I've already edited like 22+ chapters and uploaded the edited version already. I didn't change anything major, just added some new scenarios here and there, changed some conversations aNd especially cut short some of the author notes (honestly Im so cringy).

BUT there's one major change. If you wanna know, you gotta re-read chapter 12. BUT if you don't wanna read that (Ik its annoying cz I've changed a lot of chapters by now), I can tell you what I've changed.
Apparently, Akashi physically hit Ena in that chapter that scarred her for life- I changed it. I mean if you think about it rationally, it's actually impossible for Akashi to hit Ena. Bc he loves her too much and divorced her to save her from the wrath of his own father and he's not that of guy (Kagami: *coughs*), at least not towards Ena so NO. But he did lose his temper when she insulted his parents, and RAISED his hand in attempt to hit her but he was able to control himself at the last moment.

But if you want to FEEL the chapter and Ena's emotions again or I suggest you to read it again.

|| By my leave ||

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